Flatsome | Multi-purpose responsive woocommerce theme

Themeforest Flatsome | Multi-purpose responsive woocommerce theme

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gpl5u submitted a new resource:

Flatsome | Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme - Download Flatsome laster version

Download Flastsome laster version here
Download Flatsome laster version.webp

Flatsome is the perfect theme for your shop, company website, or all your clients websites as an agency or freelancer. It has all the tools needed to create super fast respnsive website with amazing user experience. Unlimited options with a revolutionary respnsive page builder, gives you the ability to create anything without any coding
Download Flatsome laster version 0.webp

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GPL5U updated Flatsome | Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme with a new update entry:

3.19.3 Auto Update

Download Flatsome with auto update to latest version + Themeforest 5484319​

--- 3.19.3 (24.06.24) ---
FIXED: Custom product gallery: Vertical and 2-column style rendered default layout.
FIXED: Background images displayed less sharply on mobile in some cases.

Reverted: Heading text wrapping (balanced).

--- 3.19.2 (14.06.24) ---
ENHANCEMENT: Support plain URL as bg attribute value for banner & section.

FIXED: Resolved an issue where price filter and sorting were...

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