Flatsome | Multi-purpose responsive woocommerce theme

Themeforest Flatsome | Multi-purpose responsive woocommerce theme

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Flatsome | Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme - Download Flatsome laster version

Download Flastsome laster version here
Download Flatsome laster version.webp

Flatsome is the perfect theme for your shop, company website, or all your clients websites as an agency or freelancer. It has all the tools needed to create super fast respnsive website with amazing user experience. Unlimited options with a revolutionary respnsive page builder, gives you the ability to create anything without any coding
Download Flatsome laster version 0.webp

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gpl5u updated Flatsome | Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme with a new update entry:


--- 3.15.3 (15.01.22) ---
NEW: WooCommerce 6.1 compatibility.

ENHANCEMENT: Auto height for custom-sized vertical menu dropdowns.

FIXED: Open correct image in galleries.
FIXED: Open correct video with multiple video buttons.
FIXED: Toggle accordions when clicking on arrow.
FIXED: Site logo src=(unknown) if logo was not used pre 3.15.
FIXED: Product gallery thumbnail slider arrows for 5 thumbs.
FIXED: Swatches cache when an attribute is updated.
FIXED: Various RTL improvements.

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gpl5u updated Flatsome | Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme with a new update entry:


--- 3.15.4 (15.03.22) ---
NEW: Release channel option (stable/beta).

FIXED: Updated unannounced change of form login text string.
FIXED: PHP notice if no color is set on UX Color attribute.
FIXED: Swatches label center and right alignment on single product.
FIXED: Related product title indent with an increased site container width.
FIXED: Clear cart after payment on simple and focused templates in some cases.
FIXED: Missing return value in swatch preview column content filter.

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gpl5u updated Flatsome | Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme with a new update entry:


Download Flatsome | Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme + Auto Update when have new version + Themeforest 5484319

--- 3.15.6 (14.06.22) ---
FIXED: WordPress 6.0 CSS conflict.
FIXED: Element style (padding, margin,..) not applying when column is made sticky.

--- 3.15.5 (02.05.22) ---
FIXED: Integration options showed up in Updates tab options.
FIXED: Backup Options increasing wp_options table size when used more than once.
FIXED: PHP notice if no image is set on...

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gpl5u updated Flatsome | Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme with a new update entry:

3.16.0 - Auto update

--- 3.16.0 (15.09.22) ---
NEW: WooCommerce 6.9 compatibility.
NEW: Product additional variation images.
NEW: Product gallery grid layouts (stacked).
NEW: UX Builder: Resize handle for banner height.
NEW: UX Builder: Copy as shortcode element context menu item.
NEW: UX Builder: Show all registered image sizes.
NEW: UX Builder: Responsive max width for column.
NEW: Google Fonts served locally instead of CDN. (location: wp-content/fonts/)
NEW: Option to serve Google Fonts from CDN.
NEW: Option...

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gpl5u updated Flatsome | Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme with a new update entry:

3.16.2 - Auto update when have new version

Auto update when have new version
--- 3.16.2 (04.11.22) ---
NEW: WooCommerce 7.0.1 compatibility.

FIXED: Copy as Shortcode on Safari.
FIXED: Issues with searchable select options in UX Builder.
FIXED: Renamed option: Disable Google Fonts → Disable Fonts.

--- 3.16.1 (28.09.22) ---
FIXED: Toggle tabs in sub menus.
FIXED: JavaScript error in Safari on iOS 13 and below.
FIXED: Standard font-family incorrect CSS value output.
FIXED: Font inherit & initial setting CSS value...

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gpl5u updated Flatsome | Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme with a new update entry:


Download Flatsome Nulled auto update + Themeforest 5484319

--- 3.16.3 (14.12.22) ---
NEW: WooCommerce 7.2 compatibility.

ENHANCEMENT: Improved WPML configuration.

FIXED: Viewport accessibility user scalable.
FIXED: Team Members: overlay & shade style not rendering shortcodes in content.
FIXED: Interruption on external product button link navigation if Vimeo or youtube was linked.
FIXED: Background video not auto-playing in some cases.
FIXED: Various typos.

DEV: Recommended PHP...

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gpl5u updated Flatsome | Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme with a new update entry:


Download Flatsome not null with license + Auto Update + Themeforest 5484319​

--- 3.16.6 (14.02.23) ---
NEW: WooCommerce 7.4 compatibility.
NEW: Updated Google Fonts list.

ENHANCEMENT: Added localization admin info panel.

FIXED: Integration of woocommerce-tm-extra-product did not load due to class name change.
FIXED: PHP warning in class-wc-product-data-fields.php undefined array key 0.
FIXED: Compatibility issue with YITH WooCommerce Wishlist and UX Builder.

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gpl5u updated Flatsome | Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme with a new update entry:


Download flatsome 3.16.8 Nulled + Themeforest 5484319 version 3.16.8 Nulled + Auto update when have new version​

--- 3.16.8 (30.03.23) ---
NEW: Support for Instagram access tokens (Instagram Basic Display).
NEW: Select connected Instagram account from select list in UX Builder.

CHANGED: Remove old Instagram scrape method.

--- 3.16.7 (23.03.23) ---
FIXED: Issue with quantity buttons on cart not functioning after updating cart on WooCommerce 7.5.

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gpl5u updated Flatsome | Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme with a new update entry:


Download Flatsome 3.17.0 Nulled License + Auto update + Themeforest 5484319​

NEW: Lottie Element (Bodymovin), a powerful and flexible way to integrate Lottie animations.
NEW: AJAX add to cart buttons on single product page & quick view (optional).
NEW: Lazy load Instagram feeds (optional).
NEW: Header element Secondary Menu.
NEW: Implemented native CSS-based sticky columns for enhanced performance.
NEW: Integrated dynamic per-page load offset calculation for optimized...

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gpl5u updated Flatsome | Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme with a new update entry:


Download Flatsome 3.17.1 Nulled FREE + Themeforest 5484319​

--- 3.17.1 (31.05.23) ---
NEW: Lottie link options.
NEW: Swatches/product: Disable deselect option.

ENHANCEMENT: Improved no menu assigned message in Vertical Menu.
ENHANCEMENT: Various CSS improvements.

FIXED: Catalog sidebar sticky mode option visibility.
FIXED: flatsome-header-sticky event triggered more than once.
FIXED: Left and right bounce in animations didn't start in some cases.
FIXED: PHP 8.1...

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gpl5u updated Flatsome | Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme with a new update entry:


Download Flatsome 3.17.7 FULL + Themeforest 5484319​

--- 3.17.7 (13.09.23) ---
NEW: WooCommerce 8.1 compatibility.

ENHANCEMENT: Body overflow prevention.
ENHANCEMENT: Don't lazy-load images with high fetch priority.

FIXED: Attach post when uploading images in UX Builder.
FIXED: Copy as Shortcode on custom product page product elements.
FIXED: Don't auto play sliders on mobile after scrolling if not enabled.
FIXED: Don't redirect to product when clicking on swatches in...

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gpl5u updated Flatsome | Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme with a new update entry:

3.18.0 LICENSE

Download Flatsome with license + Themeforest 5484319 LICENSE​

--- 3.18.0 (08.11.23) ---
NEW: WooCommerce 8.3 compatibility.
NEW: Debuting tailored Pjax functionality. Facilitates ajax-driven navigation & filtering (optional).
NEW: Shop: AJAX for product category widget, filter widgets & sorting (optional).
NEW: Builder: Color Eyedropper tool for effortless screen color picking.
NEW: Scroll to the top after Pjax navigation option.
NEW: Mini cart: Quantity input...

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gpl5u updated Flatsome | Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme with a new update entry:

3.18.1 LICENSE

Download Flatsome 3.18.1 LICENSE | Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme​

--- 3.18.1 (13.11.23) ---
ENHANCEMENT: Made theme colors available through theme CSS custom properties (see note).
ENHANCEMENT: Various CSS improvements.

FIXED: Ajax add to cart with 'Any...' variation setup.
FIXED: Images weren't imported correctly from Flatsome Studio in some cases.
FIXED: An error occurred in the Page Layout section in the Block Editor in some cases.
FIXED: Mini cart...

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gpl5u updated Flatsome | Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme with a new update entry:

3.18.2 Null

Download Flatsome 3.18.2 Null + Themeforest 5484319 NULL​

--- 3.18.2 --- (28.11.23)
ENHANCEMENT: Mini Cart Quantity: Automatically remove items from the cart when their quantity is reduced to zero.
ENHANCEMENT: Mini Cart Quantity: Validation for user manual input.
ENHANCEMENT: Refined the description of the 'maintenance bypass key' option for better understanding.
ENHANCEMENT: Various CSS improvements.

FIXED: Altered Widget link color and link color hover settings, they...

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gpl5u updated Flatsome | Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme with a new update entry:


Download Flatsome with license and auto update + Themeforest 5484319 version 3.18.3​

--- 3.18.3 --- (09.01.24)
NEW: WooCommerce 8.5 compatibility.

ENHANCEMENT: Free shipping bar was displayed when only virtual products were in the cart.
ENHANCEMENT: Header newsletter title setting stays now visible if a custom block is chosen.
ENHANCEMENT: Improved mini cart loading state styles.
ENHANCEMENT: Improved shortcode image detection for sitemap.
ENHANCEMENT: Mini cart qty...

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gpl5u updated Flatsome | Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme with a new update entry:


Download Flatsome with license and auto update + Themeforest 5484319 version 3.18.4​

--- 3.18.4 (16.02.24) ---
NEW: WooCommerce 8.6 compatibility.

ENHANCEMENT: Added check for global $product object existence in flatsome_sticky_add_to_cart_template function.
ENHANCEMENT: Improved WPML configuration.

FIXED: Improved handling of non-existent attachment images.
FIXED: Shop category header title color with dark content.
FIXED: Undefined array key "limit" PHP warning in some...

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gpl5u updated Flatsome | Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme with a new update entry:


Download Flatsome with license Auto update + Themeforest 5484319 ver 3.18.5​

--- 3.18.5 (16.03.24) ---
NEW: Added a button to clear typography cache and locally downloaded files.

FIXED: Addressed an issue where locally served font files were returning 403 errors in some cases due to irregular Google font API responses.
FIXED: Image lazy loading on WC Composite components.
FIXED: Hotspot tooltip on a mobile device.

CHANGED: Upgraded the format of font files to woff2...

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