Flatsome | Multi-purpose responsive woocommerce theme

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Flatsome | Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme - Download Flatsome laster version

Download Flastsome laster version here
Download Flatsome laster version.webp

Flatsome is the perfect theme for your shop, company website, or all your clients websites as an agency or freelancer. It has all the tools needed to create super fast respnsive website with amazing user experience. Unlimited options with a revolutionary respnsive page builder, gives you the ability to create anything without any coding
Download Flatsome laster version 0.webp

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gpl5u updated Flatsome | Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme with a new update entry:

3.5.2 (26.02.18)

--- 3.5.2 --- (26.02.18)
FIXED: Outdated WooCommerce 3.3.3 files.
FIXED: Better compatibility with new WooCommerce 3.3+ image sizes.
FIXED: Infinite Scroll - did not render images in some cases (Safari).
FIXED: Disabling guest checkout hided create account field.
FIXED: Floating labels were not visible dark mode.
FIXED: WP-CLI profiler not been able to profile.
FIXED: Cart style 'link only' setting now reflects on mobile.
FIXED: PHP notice for plugin recommendation.
FIXED: PHP notice on...

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gpl5u updated Flatsome | Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme with a new update entry:


--- 3.5.3 --- (15.03.18)
FIXED: Instagram has returned invalid data (due Instagram API change).
FIXED: Equal image height setting did not render images when its height was untouched.
FIXED: Share shortcode now properly links the shop if used on this page.
FIXED: Duplicated result in search if product title contains the SKU.
FIXED: Portfolio related posts were displaying posts from all categories.
FIXED: Query Monitor missing style notices.
FIXED: PHP error on double child theme install...

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Reactions: baprang
gpl5u updated Flatsome | Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme with a new update entry:

3.6.0 --- (25.05.18)

NEW: Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.4 (GDPR ready)
NEW: Create 404 layout with a custom block in UX Builder.
NEW: Include/exclude out of stock products in product element.
NEW: Single product review count display options.
NEW: Option to automatically update cart.
NEW: Product tag search option for live search.
NEW: Product order by option for live search.
NEW: Instagram hashtag support.
NEW: Option to choose title H-tag in title element.
NEW: Option to enable/disable blog featured image on...

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gpl5u updated Flatsome | Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme with a new update entry:


--- 3.6.1 --- (15.07.18)
FIXED: Scroll to position when height changes in the page occur.
FIXED: Accordion scroll position after opening section on mobile devices.
FIXED: JS error: Flatsome is not defined, in some cases on auto cart refresh.
FIXED: Disable featured image on single posts removed image on listings also.
FIXED: Sidebar category filter revealed itself on the page after opening.
FIXED: Portfolio element: text background color did not affect live site.
FIXED: Portfolio: tag...

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gpl5u updated Flatsome | Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme with a new update entry:


FIXED: Outdated WooCommerce 3.4.4 files.
FIXED: Mobile off-canvas sidebar did not work on product stacked layout.
FIXED: Double upsells in full height templates if in sidebar.
FIXED: Text align right for star rating on product summary.
FIXED: Singular 'product' output in for categories element with only one product.
FIXED: Scroll To: double # when value was added with # as link.
FIXED: Corrected add to cart button positioning in overlay/shade style.
FIXED: Arrow in select dropdown fields for...

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gpl5u updated Flatsome | Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme with a new update entry:


--- 3.7.0 (25.10.18) ---
NEW: WooCommerce 3.5 compatibility.
NEW: Catalog box items height equalizer.
NEW: Improved shipping options design.
NEW: Sticky add to cart option.
NEW: YOAST breadcrumbs integration.
NEW: YOAST primary category integration.
NEW: UX Builder edit button in Gutenberg.
NEW: Relation input field on element links.
NEW: Input fields to add scripts inside the body tag.
NEW: Save as Private in UX Builder.
NEW: Boxed shipping labels style option.
NEW: Option to show/hide...

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gpl5u updated Flatsome | Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme with a new update entry:

3.7.2 (08.12.18)

TWEAK: Improved WP 5.0 compatibility!

FIXED: Outdated WooCommerce 3.5.2 files.
FIXED: Product gallery slider variation image height sizing.
FIXED: Gallery: Partial option reset in builder when updating gallery.
FIXED: Structured product data for custom product page.
FIXED: Edit block from frontend on shop page.
FIXED: Child theme style.css query version.
FIXED: Product review styling.
FIXED: Bullet list position in RTL.
FIXED: Quick view: Slider next/prev arrow position in RTL.

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gpl5u updated Flatsome | Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme with a new update entry:


--- 3.8.0 (21.02.19) ---
NEW: Builder undo and redo changes.
NEW: Builder improved loading time & stability.
NEW: Builder class option on all elements.
NEW: Builder visibility option on all elements.
NEW: Builder scroll when dragging elements.
NEW: Custom product page next/prev element.
NEW: Multiple category selection in product elements.
NEW: Afterpay Int. and Vipps payment icon.

FIXED: Outdated WooCommerce 3.5.5 files.
FIXED: Portfolio element overlapping images in some cases.

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gpl5u updated Flatsome | Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme with a new update entry:

3.8.4 (12.08.19)

--- 3.8.4 (12.08.19) ---
NEW: WooCommerce 3.7 compatibility.

FIXED: Builder: Bottom of text editor not visible with lots of content (chrome).
FIXED: Builder: Improved element refreshing on option changes.
FIXED: Accordion and accordion-item custom class output.
FIXED: Instagram: Video thumbnails not squared.
FIXED: Infinite Scroll: Preventing non-archive products from loading in.
FIXED: Rating stars overlay issue when body font weight has changed.
FIXED: Negative space above address field...

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gpl5u updated Flatsome | Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme with a new update entry:

--- 3.9.0 (17.09.19) ---

NEW: Improved lazy loading.
NEW: Instagram Graph API connection.
NEW: Lazy Loading inline fallback image.
NEW: Cart/Checkout steps number (optional).
NEW: Page preloading. Preload pages right before a user clicks on it (optional).
NEW: Form style 'minimal' for product add to cart and cart quantity.
NEW: Separate lightbox gallery elements on same page (optional).
NEW: Hide sticky header when scrolling down (optional).
NEW: Google Fonts font-display loading type option.
NEW: Terms and...

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gpl5u updated Flatsome | Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme with a new update entry:

3.10.0 (07.11.19)

--- 3.10.0 (07.11.19) ---
NEW: WooCommerce 3.8.0 compatibility.
NEW: Terms and conditions lightbox accept button.
NEW: Option to set equal heights on product boxes.
NEW: Various new options for products boxes.
NEW: Gap element responsive height setting.
NEW: WP block image lightbox support.
NEW: Official WhatsApp icon.
NEW: Column admin label.
NEW: Twint payment icon.
NEW: Builder: Queue for sequencing page content AJAX requests.
NEW: Builder: Edit product layout button with translated...

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gpl5u updated Flatsome | Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme with a new update entry:

--- 3.10.1 (17.12.19) ---

NEW: YITH Wishlist 3.0 compatibility.

FIXED: Gap height when left on default value.
FIXED: Admin styling issues introduced by WP 5.3.
FIXED: Search result style option not visible.
FIXED: Builder: Product hover in section element.
FIXED: Swiping from upon a button on mobile devices.
FIXED: PHP warning on non existing blocks in WP 5.3.1.
FIXED: Checkout breadcrumb step custom secondary color.
FIXED: section_inner shortcode in frontend (section within a section).
FIXED: Better compatibility...

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gpl5u updated Flatsome | Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme with a new update entry:

--- 3.10.4 (07.02.20) ---

--- 3.10.4 (07.02.20) ---
FIXED: Builder: Banner child elements hiding on some cases in preview.
FIXED: Redundant quote in team members link.
FIXED: Gap responsive height in frontend.
FIXED: Social login pop up redirect.

TWEAK: Increased newsletter auto pop timer setting maximum.
TWEAK: Corrected builder slider unit position.

--- 3.10.3 (24.01.20) ---
FIXED: Single product gallery image size.

--- 3.10.2 (23.01.20) ---
NEW: WooCommerce 3.9.0 compatibility.

FIXED: Custom color for rating...

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gpl5u updated Flatsome | Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme with a new update entry:


--- 3.12.2 --- (14.08.20)
FIXED: Countdown background color.
FIXED: Older admin assets could remain in browser cache (Advanced Options).
FIXED: HTML not rendering in product title (reverted WC 4.4 template change).

--- 3.12.1 --- (11.08.20)
NEW: WordPress 5.5 compatibility.
NEW: WooCommerce 4.4 compatibility.
NEW: Updated Google Fonts list.

FIXED: Custom product layout, global overruled category in some cases.
FIXED: Off-canvas sidebar not scrollable with mobile slide menu activated...

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gpl5u updated Flatsome | Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme with a new update entry:

--- 3.13.2 (25.02.21) ---

--- 3.13.2 (25.02.21) ---
NEW: Option to disable sale badge in catalog mode.
NEW: Slovenian translation added.

FIXED: Builder: Post multi select sorting.
FIXED: Builder: Reveal options on custom post Ids clearance.
FIXED: Builder: Gutenberg HTML blocks now show up as WP content blocks.
FIXED: Builder: Image placeholder position when added in mobile/tablet mode.
FIXED: Plugin integrated breadcrumbs did not show when WooCommerce not active.
FIXED: Portfolio filter stayed visible despite...

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gpl5u updated Flatsome | Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme with a new update entry:


--- 3.14.3 --- (08.09.21)
NEW: HTML element in UX Builder.

FIXED: Builder: Render paragraphs correctly for classic editor content.
FIXED: Thank you page content option didn't render shortcodes.
FIXED: Scroll to on mobile navigated incorrectly in some cases.
FIXED: Infinite scroll on masonry catalog layout.

ENHANCEMENT: Improved swatch compatibility for multiple woocommerce extension plugins.
ENHANCEMENT: Builder: Check post existence before going into edit mode.
ENHANCEMENT: Shop sticky...

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gpl5u updated Flatsome | Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme with a new update entry:

3.15.2 (21.12.21)

--- 3.15.2 (21.12.21) ---
FIXED: Script file naming compatibility on some servers.
FIXED: Yoast integration options did not show (due to Yoast codebase changes).
FIXED: Slider with parallax enabled.
FIXED: Sidebar sub menu toggle.
FIXED: Page loader logo size.

ENHANCEMENT: Improved WP Rocket compatibility.

Note: Please remember to clear all cache and minification after updating.

--- 3.15.1 (17.12.21) ---
FIXED: Banner responsive values.
FIXED: Use the correct logo URL.
FIXED: Lightbox...

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