Local SEO for WooCommerce

Local SEO for WooCommerce 11.0

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gpl5u updated Local SEO for WooCommerce with a new update entry:


  • Enhancements:
    • When a different shipping address is selected, the local store pickup option will disappear
    • API key settings for lat/long calculation are now more clarified and state that an API key first needs to be set before automatic calculation of lat/long can be done.
  • Bug fixes:
    • To prevent cached shipping results to be shown, WooCommerce’s shipping method transients are now cleared when the local store pickup options are saved.

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gpl5u updated Local SEO for WooCommerce with a new update entry:

11.0 (release: 2019-04-16)

11.0 (release: 2019-04-16):
  • Enhancements:
    • Added show open label for current day to Opening Hours block.
  • Bug fixes:
    • Fixed an issue that caused the open/closed message to not always work correctly in the opening hours widget for a location in a multi-location setup.
    • Fixed an issue that caused ‘Local Pickup Allowed’ to show a duplicate setting in the admin columns.
    • Fixed a fatal error that occurred when saving an API key on a...

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