Download RISE - Ultimate Project Manager & CRM 3.4.1 Nulled + Codecanyon 15455641
Version 3.4.1 – 02 April, 2023
[Updated] Added pagination in tasks kanban page to improve loading speed
[Updated] Description should not be required in event
[Fixed] Subscription item is not loading and saving issues
[Fixed] Missing invoice logo issue
[Fixed] Error in custom payment method saving
[Fixed] URL shows double slash
[Fixed] Error in file upload
[Fixed] Error in signup page
Version 3.4 – 25 March, 2023
[Added] Subscriptions module
[Added] Leads overview widget
[Added] My tasks overview widget
[Added] Option to merge 2 tickets into one
[Added] Show tasks count and percentage in milestone
[Added] Option to add 2nd reminder for invoice due date and overdue
[Added] New email templates for different types of task notifications
[Added] New permission to see notes in client portal
[Added] GST Number in client profile and show on estimate and invoice
[Added] Option to delete the ticket comments
[Added] New email template for announcement notification
[Added] Option to increase the kanban board size
[Added] Download button for the note files
[Added] Some new options in project cloning
[Added] Show completed sub tasks count on main task on the kanban view
[Added] Show parent task title on sub tasks on the kanban view.
[Added] Role permission for client feedback
[Added] Estimate reference in the invoice
[Added] Option to show next and previous files in project files.
[Added] Use main recipient's language to send invoice
[Added] New template for invoice, estimate, order etc.
[Added] Logo for companies to use in invoice, estimate, order etc in Settings>Sales & Prospects>Company
[Updated] Remove logo upload option in invoice, estimate, order settings
[Updated] Update Codeigniter to latest v4.3.2
[Updated] Don't show project dropdown in expense modal of project details page
[Updated] In add payment modal, show the remaining balance in the amount field
[Updated] Improve UX of checklist in task details modal
[Updated] Don't show inactive members in the event share with dropdown
[Updated] Improve responsive design for mobile devices
[Updated] Add more information on the All timesheets widget
[Updated] Include the notes and hours in the timesheet export
[Updated] User should not be able to open timer on same task while the timer is running
[Updated] Integrate single Google API for Calendar and let other users to use that
[Updated] Make the lead contact email as optional
[Updated] Show the team members overview widget for allowed members
[Updated] Update imap libraries
[Updated] Reflect the client access permission settings in add/edit project modal client dropdown list
[Updated] Update settings for Microsoft IMAP, SMTP
[Updated] Implement REST API for Paypal (Need to re-setup the PayPal payment method settings)
[Fixed] Missing variables in the email templates
[Fixed] Wrong payment calculation
[Fixed] Non-admin user can't access proposal templates even after permission
[Fixed] Ticket sorting is not working
[Fixed] Invoice item sorting is not working
[Fixed] Don't show the client dropdown for the internal project cloning
[Fixed] Some issues in RTL template
[Fixed] Bug in client task update
[Fixed] Non-project member user got project notification
[Fixed] Last seen Team Members and last seen Customers widget
[Fixed] Reminder icon is missing in mobile view
[Fixed] Bug in public estimates
[Fixed] Bug in invoice payment confirmation template
[Fixed] Bug in checklist count.
[Fixed] After adding a payment on invoices list, it's removing the monthly filter
[Fixed] Error in proposal invoice conversion
Download RISE - Ultimate Project Manager & CRM Nulled + Codecanyon 15455641
[Added] Add new option in project clone.
[Added] Include search by custom fields in server side tables.
[Added] Two new role permission settings for projects.
[Added] Send button for chat mobile view.
[Added] Show task checklist completed count on kanban view.
[Updated] Bootstrap to latest version.
[Updated] Codeigniter to latest version.
[Updated] Move RTL settings in language file.
[Updated] Show only own tasks in timesheet timelog add/edit modal.
[Updated] Stripe API to latest version.
[Fixed] Error on task details modal.
[Fixed] In project, don't show the save and continue button when logged in as client.
[Fixed] Recently move to Done filter in tasks.
[Fixed] Ticket template edit/delete is not working for team members.
[Fixed] Added protection for some XSS issues.
[Fixed] Activity log encoding problem.
[Fixed] Currency conversion is not working in income expenses chart.
[Fixed] Bug in sub task.
[Fixed] Custom fields in invoices list export.
[Fixed] Tickets last activity sort is not working in projects.
Version 3.2.2 – 23 June, 2022[Fixed] Bug on timesheet edit
[Fixed] Mini left menu design issue
[Fixed] Large text issue on proposal and contract
[Fixed] Invoice overview widget currency format not working
Version 3.1 – 15 February, 2022[Added] Copy paste screenshots in comments.
[Added] Task priority settings.
[Added] Item import functionality.
[Added] Leave import functionality.
[Added] Expense import functionality.
[Added] Task import functionality.
[Added] In the project files add new modal, add option to select custom fields.
[Added] Show tasks count in the kanban columns.
[Added] Option to set default custom dashboard for all members.
[Added] Checklist group settings settings to set any group of check list and select the group in task checklist creation.
[Added] Option to upload image in help/knowledge base article.
[Added] Some plugins hooks.
[Added] Added multiple instances support on plugin hooks.
[Added] Some improvements in UI.
[Added] Option to attach files in leave application.
[Added] Upgrade to CI latest version (v4.1.8)
[Added] Show task ID, project and client title on kanban based on settings.
[Added] Multi company settings for invoice/estimate/orders etc.
[Added] Checkout button in store page.
[Added] Show last 10 incoming conversations in top bar message icon notification list.
[Added] Receiver user's name variable in the email template.
[Added] Summary reports of payments.
[Added] New role permission in project.
[Added] Option to duplicate any expense.
[Added] Usability improvements in payments.
[Added] On checklist add new modal, show save & add more button like as task modal.
[Added] Option to choose custom color.
[Updated] Show pdf preview using iframe instead of google preview.
[Updated] Show total after discount in invoice/estimate.
[Fixed] Bug on unread messages badge on left menu.
[Fixed] Don't show inactive members in Latest online team members widget.
[Fixed] Bug on tasks kanban.
[Fixed] Hide milestones dropdown on client portal based on permission.
[Fixed] Validate date when import any custom field or any date.
Version 3.0.1 – 26 November, 2021[Fixed] Notifications are not working.
Version 3.0 – 23 November, 2021[Added] New option to remove specific task statuses from specific projects.
[Added] New option to open the estimate publicly.
[Added] New template variables to show signature info in contract.
[Added] Staff can sign contract.
[Added] New role permission to give a team member access to specific client groups.
[Added] Variables to use the custom fields in the contract and proposals.
[Added] Plugin hook inside head tag
[Added] Plugin hooks for notifications
[Added] Plugin hooks signup page extension
[Added] Plugin hooks after sign in
[Added] Plugin hooks for before sign out
[Added] Plugin hook in dashboard
[Added] Custom field filter in timesheet summary page
[Added] Voting system to knowledgeable article view
[Added] Input order quantity by text box from the cart
[Added] New option to delete batch files in projects.
[Added] Files in events
[Updated] After making task done or stop timer it should stay on same page.
[Fixed] Bug on left menu
[Fixed] Ticket creator notification problem.
[Fixed] Bug on custom fields
[Fixed] Error in task notification.
[Fixed] Email bcc option on invoice should work when sending the recurring invoice via cron job
[Fixed] Open in google calendar not working for custom calendars
[Fixed] Signature upload not working with drive
[Fixed] When adding contact, it shows infinity loader.
[Fixed] Expenses monthly filter is not working
[Fixed] Invoice tab is showing in projects even if not permitted
[Fixed] Google event link open is not working.
[Fixed] Bug on file editing.
[Fixed] Fix title of notification for public estimate, contract and proposal
[Fixed] Don't show removed users in notification recipient list in the settings.
[Fixed] Invoice value is not showing
[Fixed] Default template changing is not working in contract.
[Fixed] Error in firefox
[Fixed] Bug in leads sorting
[Fixed] Bug in RTL UI
[Fixed] Fix some responsive issues
[Fixed] Site logo can't be larger.
Version 2.9.2 – 5 October, 2021[Added] Plugin hook to show a view inside layout.
[Added] Plugin hook for Insert/Update/Delete operations.
[Added] Show category in project file edit modal.
[Updated] Parent task can't be marked as done if there is any sub task which is not done yet.
[Fixed] Client and leads notes should be editable by the users who has access.
[Fixed] Payment methods are showing on invoices even that are not enabled.
[Fixed] Custom field rich textbox not rendered correctly.
[Fixed] Don't show the invoices tab in project details page if the invoice module is disabled.
Version 2.9.1 – 28 September, 2021[Fixed] Notification not working.
[Fixed] Completed tasks deadline should not be red.
Version 2.9 – 24 September, 2021[Added] Contract module
[Added] New option to easily access tickets from the list view
[Added] Color picker to select different color settings
[Added] Sorting option in payment methods
[Added] In tasks quick filter list, add new option for recurring tasks
[Added] Option to download expenses files from the list view
[Added] Show project wise invoices tab in client portal
[Added] Show role select option when invite any team member
[Added] New filter option to show sub tasks from parent task
[Added] Users should be able to upload files during order
[Added] New settings option to show/hide custom fields in tasks kanban view
[Added] Show custom field filter on kanban view
[Added] Show page title based on active view
[Added] Show start date and deadline in task kanban view
[Added] Show sub tasks progress bar in parent task details page
[Added] Show the task url in browser address when opening task details modal
[Added] Signed date for all kinds of e-signing
[Updated] Improve client creation process
[Updated] Upgrade codeigniter to v4.1.3
[Updated] Upgrade to Bootstrap v5.1.0
[Updated] Some UI imporovements
[Fixed] Bug on estimate custom fields
[Fixed] Project files custom fields are not visible in table
[Fixed] Tasks count widget in dashboard
[Fixed] Can't update the lead contact info
[Fixed] Invoice reminders issue
[Fixed] Can't add large text on pages
Version 2.8 – 05 August, 2021[Added] Plugin support for RISE.
[Added] Implement proposals module.
[Added] Add clients overview page.
[Added] Option to copy the task comments link.
[Added] Option to pin/unpin important task comments.
[Added] Time type custom field.
[Added] Option to filter by select type custom fields.
[Added] Estimate comments option and settings to enable/disable the comments.
[Added] RTL option in user preference.
[Added] Option to add notes inside tickets.
[Added] Categories for files.
[Added] Option to share announcements with different customer groups.
[Added] Option for clients to assign tasks to others.
[Added] Expenses summary.
[Added] Add batch edit option for tickets.
[Added] Show the company email address in invoice, estimate and proposal.
[Added] Option to create project from orders.
[Added] New widget to see total numbers of leads.
[Added] Option to show only own estimates which are created by the user.
[Added] New permission to access Timeline.
[Added] Whatsapp in social links and remove google plus.
[Added] Settings to show tickets tab in projects if anyone enable project reference in tickets.
[Added] New permission to edit salary info for team members.
[Added] New option to select/un-select all project files at a time.
[Added] Conversion rate settings and show the reports of multi currency after conversion.
[Added] New sort field in Knowledge base/help articles.
[Added] In email template title, support necessary variables.
[Added] Custom field support for project files.
[Added] New settings page to to assign roles easily.
[Added] New notification for manual payment.
[Added] Support to use database prefix.
[Added] Checklist templates for tasks.
[Added] Option to filter clients own tasks.
[Added] New configs to fix notification error.
[Added] New email template for project completed notification.
[Added] Show left menu and login top-bar in internal pages.
[Added] Show lead created at field in the list and filter by date range.
[Added] New option in task status setting to hide the column from kanban view.
[Added] New permission to manage settings team members and roles.
[Added] Signature option on estimate acceptation.
[Added] Option add project, project members and tasks one after one.
[Added] Settings to add lead from public form.
[Added] Option to check mark tasks by clients.
[Updated] Left menu re-arranged.
[Updated] Settings menu re-arranged.
[Updated] Moved add item button after the items list for invoice, estimate and order.
[Updated] Full screen modal for the page add/edit modal.
[Updated] Timecard note is visible in the timecard list view.
[Updated] Setup built in left menu settings.
[Updated] For admin, show all projects count in dashboard.
[Updated] Don't add duplicate left menu item for parent menu.
[Updated] New option in IMAP settings.
[Updated] Show note in the timesheets list.
[Updated] Upgrade to Bootstrap v5.0.1.
[Updated] Password field should not be required in add new team member modal if email detail is not check marked.
[Updated] Separated the General settings and add Localization settings.
[Updated] Events end date is optional.
[Fixed] Decimal separator as comma error.
[Fixed] Google calendar events gets duplicated.
[Fixed] Google drive attachment in email is not working.
[Fixed] Fix error handling for CI4.
[Fixed] Broken content issue IMAP tickets.
[Fixed] Error in invoice total.
[Fixed] Sticky note save not working if anyone close browser after editing.
[Fixed] Notification issue for public estimate request.
[Fixed] Large image preview is not working in Firefox.
[Fixed] Project task finished notification not working.
[Fixed] User gets logged out on after online payment.
[Fixed] Bug in event when saving for clients.
[Fixed] Bug in left menu scrolling.
[Fixed] Bug in viewing client/lead notes.
[Fixed] Custom pages shows 404.
[Fixed] XSS security issue.
[Fixed] Client/lead option is not available for estimate cloning.
[Fixed] Tooltip on editor is not working correctly.
[Fixed] Push notifications not working in android.
[Fixed] Footer in dark mode shows white.
[Updated] Save the left menu state in browser cookies
[Fixed] Some style issues
[Fixed] Non required custom fields are showing as required
[Fixed] Custom field is not working in orders
[Fixed] Error on clients import
[Fixed] Left menu scroll issue on mobile
[Fixed] Tasks deadline filter is not working in tasks page
[Fixed] User can't apply for leave for multiple days
[Fixed] Number of decimal settings not working when saved as 0
[Fixed] Quick action button missing in mobile
Version 2.7 – 29 March, 2021[Added] Dark mode theme.
[Updated] Upgraded to Codeigniter 4 from Codeigniter 3.
[Updated] Upgraded to Bootstrap 5 from Bootstrap 3.
[Updated] Removed fontawesome icons and added feathericons.
[Updated] Updated some js plugins.
[Updated] Updated UI.
[Updated] Updated UI.
[Updated]IMAP should support username.
[Updated] Show end date from milestone in gantt.
[Updated] Show estimate accept/reject option even that are not sent.
[Fixed] Estimate initial id save not working.
[Fixed] Client filter not saving.
[Fixed] Store items shows based on client currency instead of system currency.
[Fixed] Upgrade stripe integration.
[Fixed] Ticket type is missing in embed ticket form.
[Fixed] Can't see parent task reference in the sub tasks.
[Fixed] All members are not receiving ticket notifications if there is any assignee in ticket.
[Fixed] Bug in google drive integration
Version 2.6.2 – 29 March, 2021[Added] Added new update page for 2.7
Version 2.6.1 – 17 November, 2020[Added] Add item categories and category wise filter in sales/store.
[Added] Custom field support for clients and leads import
[Added] Admin should be able to change the owner of the clients.
[Added] Add a new white color template
[Added] Open tickets list widget
[Added] Add settings to create recurring tasks before x days of start date
[Added] Added option to update logo and avatar without crop
[Added] When google calendar is enabled, show a link in the events
[Added] Read only option for client access permission
[Added] Embedded form to get external tickets
[Added] New permission on tickets to show assigned tickets only
[Updated] Retry 10 times before set the unauthorized status on imap when trying from cron
[Fixed] Bug on client custom dashboard page when clients add widget
[Fixed] Don't show the shared events to anyone if the user is inactive
[Fixed] Search doesn't work in lead kanban page
[Fixed] Old date editing resulted as wrong time because of daylight saving on timezone
[Fixed] Client registration bug
[Fixed] Ticket creation notification to creator is not working for non-registered emails.
[Fixed] Don't show 'status_changed_at' in activity logs
[Fixed] Slack notification doesn't contains links
[Fixed] Error in projects list filtering
Version 2.6 – 12 October, 2020[Added] Orders and store module
[Added] Paytm payment gateway
[Added] Added some predefined filters in clients list page
[Added] Added new role permission for lead and client access
[Added] Added auto reply option on new tickets
[Added] Added a dashboard widget for admin and show who is working on which projects
[Added] Show total time spent on task details page
[Added] Team member and milestone wise filter in gantt view
[Added] Added Some predefined filters in tasks
[Added] reCaptcha on public estimate form
[Added] Show client contacts list in send invoice cc option.
[Added] Added client contacts as collaborator in task when they are available in projects
[Added] Filter by labels in events
[Added] Added new option to ticket creation notification to send the notification to the ticket creator
[Added] New option to upload the company logo and favicon directly without crop
[Updated] Show sub tasks in gantt view as a child of main task
[Updated] Event calendar fit with window height
[Updated] Newly created recurring tasks should be on todo even the main task status is done
[Updated] Update pusher to latest version
[Updated] Team members should not be able to delete file which are not added by them
[Updated] Changed the task details page UI
[Updated] Some responsive UI
[Updated] In gantt, don't show the end date from milestones
[Fixed] Can't send message to user in old php version
[Fixed] Fixed some email parsing problems for imap
[Fixed] Fixed disables module visibility in topbar
[Fixed] Project start date is not showing in event calendar
[Fixed] Can't remove last label/collaborator in task dropdown editor
[Fixed] Search by label on kanban view is not working
[Fixed] After costumer reply, the tickets should show the "Client replied" status
[Fixed] Don't show project comments in the activity log in client side
Version 2.5 – 01 August, 2020
[Added] Integration with Slack
[Added] Integration with Github
[Added] Integration with Bitbucket
[Added] Option to like task comments
[Added] Recurring expenses
[Added] Import leads from excel file
[Added] Total contacts and total clients widget
[Added] Real-time chat using pusher
[Added] Add option to clone project and move all tasks to todo
[Added] Option to add files with invoice
[Added] Show someone is typing in chat when using the pusher based chat
[Added] Option to link expenses with clients
[Added] Show company vat number in estimate
[Added] A config to change time picker interval
[Added] A config to enable the task deadline restriction
[Added] Added some client permissions settings
[Added] New option in lead custom field to show on kanban view
[Added] New project permission
[Added] Read only permission for invoices
[Added] New options in pages to make it private
[Added] Custom fields for timesheets
[Added] In custom left menu, added option to set the link will be opened on new tab
[Added] Filter by ticket types in tickets list.
[Added] Requested by option for tickets
[Added] New filters in event calendar
[Added] New notification when assigning any ticket to anyone
[Added] New notification for timeline comments
[Added] Milestone column in tasks list.
[Added] Project tabs sorting/hiding settings
[Added] Sort the milestones dropdown by deadline in project tasks filter option
[Added] Embedded estimate request form.
[Added] Users can add time log simply by input the hours
[Added] New settings for timesheet
[Added] Add notification when invited client contacts sign up
[Added] Colored and manageable labels
[Added] Settings to email verification system before client signup
[Added] New email template and notification for client after signup
[Added] Show a widget in project details view "Total hours worked"
[Added] Users can start timer from the task page
[Added] Ticket templates for predefined answers
[Added] New settings to create new project when estimate gets accepted
[Added] New permission to add restriction on message module for team members
[Updated] Show actual time in timer
[Updated] Updated compatibility with current stripe API
[Updated] When creating new sub tasks, assign the tasks to the creator
[Updated] Remove the Gender option from signup form
[Updated] Removed old gantt chart and added a new one
[Updated] Better chatbox for mobile devices
[Fixed] Bug on tasks clone
[Fixed] Can't mention when using rich text editor
[Fixed] Hide the company name from client area
[Fixed] Invitation URL doesn't support in some servers
[Fixed] Deleted google calendar events not removed from RISE
[Fixed] Deleted team members still shows in the list of task collaborator
[Fixed] Client can't mark the ticket as closed
[Fixed] Additional calendar authorizing bug fixed in Google Calendar
[Fixed] Bug on invoice payments page
[Fixed] Client can move tasks from kanban view even they don't have permission to edit
Version 2.4 – 18 February, 2020[Added] Left menu customization option for default app, individual users and clients
[Added] Global search from topbar (Keyboard shortcut /)
[Added] New page for task details view
[Added] Task update options in the task details modal
[Added] Option to add sub tasks from task details view
[Added] Option to add task dependency from task detail view
[Added] GDPR Options
[Added] New settings to create pages
[Added] Footer settings for public pages
[Added] New access permission for clients to access files which are added in clients files tab
[Added] A link to view the invoice and estimate pdf preview
[Added] Option to add client contacts in projects and assign tasks to the client contacts
[Added] New client setting to give project edit permission
[Added] New settings to enable invoice payment without client login
[Added] A widget to show the count of draft invoices
[Added] A widget to show the total amount of draft mode invoices
[Added] Shortcut key for different quick add modals
[Added] Protection against CSRF. We recommend to enable it. Please follow instructions here:
[Added] Better password encryption. We recommend to update your password.
[Added] Option to create new client or add ticket to exiting client when any ticket created by unknown client
[Added] Module setting to enable/disable Gantt
[Added] Monthly timesheet statistics chart
[Added] New widget for pending leave approval
[Added] New settings to enable/disable the theme color changer and set default theme color
[Added] Option to attache extra files when sending invoices
[Added] User wise pre-made signature for tickets
[Added] Project wise filter in income vs expenses report
[Added] Sortable estimate items
[Added] Settings to auto close inactive tickets after x days
[Added] All client contacts list view
[Added] Timesheet settings to allow or not multiple timers at a time
[Added] Group by option in the Gantt view by projects
[Added] Estimate footer settings
[Added] Task points range settings up to 20
[Added] New client settings to disable client invitation
[Added] Option to resend the client password from admin panel
[Added] Show year in milestones list
[Added] Config to enable/disable the plus sign in columns for small window
[Added] Settings to define which fields will be visible in public estimate request form
[Added] New imap setting to create tickets only by registered emails
[Added] Add TDS option in invoices
[Added] RTL theme setting
[Added] A new theme color schema
[Added] Project title variable in invoice send email subject
[Added] Permission to edit custom field of client by client
[Added] Text alignment option in rich text editor
[Added] Project members in the task reminder notify to option
[Updated] Task deadline should not be after project deadline
[Updated] Some design and usability options updated
[Updated] Categorized the email templates setting menu
[Updated] When editing invoice item, retrieve the item details from item table
[Fixed] Got error in client's dashboard settings page when there are no clients added
[Fixed] Project note marked as public then it shows on all projects
[Fixed] Timesheets date sorting isn't working
[Fixed] Can't reset any custom field value
[Fixed] Estimate total is missing in pdf when using tax
[Fixed] Excel file doesn't export the total of all pages, only export the first page
[Fixed] Invoice and notification is not working for some server.
[Fixed] Ticket last activity column shows same time for all tickets
[Fixed] Can't change the email of lead contact
[Fixed] In the send invoice template, the due date format is not following according to date format setting
Version 2.3 – 30 August, 2019[Added] Leads module
[Added] Integrate google calendar.
[Added] Show project deadline in event calendar with a filter.
[Added] Added the estimate sending email template.
[Added] Added activity widget for clients.
[Added] Added recurring tasks.
[Added] Added an "Assign to me" option to auto assign ticket to the current user.
[Added] Task due reminder notification.
[Added] Chart tab in Timesheets.
[Added] Added option to make public notes in projects.
[Added] Client settings for admin to set default dashboard for clients.
[Added] Added option to clone tasks.
[Added] Added option to clone invoices.
[Added] Added option to clone estimates.
[Added] Remember the lastly visited tab and show on next visit automatically.
[Added] Add labels for invoices.
[Added] Added a config to disable google preview. disable_google_preview.
[Added] Added estimate settings.
[Added] Added setting to set initial number of the invoice.
[Added] Import option to import clients from excel file.
[Added] Show tasks in event calendar with filter.
[Added] Added custom fields in tickets email template.
[Added] Added option to auto assign team member in estimate request.
[Added] Added config to disable adding new dashboard. disable_new_dashboard_icon.
[Added] Added notification when events edited.
[Updated] Users should be able to send estimate multiple times.
[Updated] Better responsive design for mobile view.
[Updated] In add new team members modal, show only active users.
[Updated] Some usability improvement on different UI.
[Fixed] Logo is not visible in public estimate form.
[Fixed] Can't add custom fields in tickets.
[Fixed] Invoice total and statistics shows wrong.
[Fixed] Can't get changes on notification list.
[Fixed] Can't remove inactive users from the collaborators list.
[Fixed] Can't download project files when linked with google drive.
[Fixed] Rich text editor is not showing when using tab key.
[Fixed] Top menu dropdown doesn't works in iphone.
[Fixed] Notification count does not work in phone.
[Fixed] Imap ticket creation is not working for some emails.
[Fixed] Scrolling problem in project file comments.
[Fixed] Team members can't attach document with estimate request.
Version 2.2.1 – 08 March, 2019[Fixed] Wrong date formatting issue in project and todo list.
[Fixed] Client can't access tickets.
[Fixed] Don't show quick access icon if there is no items.
[Fixed] Invoice design css fixed.
Version 2.2 – 28 February, 2019[Added] Added a new dropdown menu in top bar for quick insert.
[Added] Integrate google drive as an alternative storage.
[Added] Option to print invoices from the invoice details view.
[Added] Option to hide top bar menus from the My preferences settings.
[Added] Option to create new estimates from the estimates request dropdown.
[Added] Option to cancel any unpaid invoice.
[Added] Option to add payments from the invoice list view.
[Added] Option to add to add multiple tasks without leaving the task modal.
[Added] Option to see all of his personal timesheets logs in a page for team members.
[Added] Option to create new estimate requests by team members.
[Added] Show total days count in leave apply modal.
[Added] Added new permission to show only the assigned tasks for team members.
[Added] Show file preview in all contexts of the app.
[Added] Filter option to see different statistics for invoices/payments for different currencies.
[Added] Option to add new tasks from tickets.
[Added] Enable the color changing option for default task statuses.
[Added] New client settings to enable chat between client contacts.
[Added] Batch update of the tasks.
[Added] Admin should be able to clock in/out for team members.
[Added] New settings to upload the favicon.
[Added] Rich text editor in comments/descriptions.
[Added] Integrated pusher for push notifications.
[Added] New notification when projects gets completed.
[Added] Monthly timesheets statistics widget for admin.
[Added] Invoice settings to auto fill the due date based on bill date.
[Added] Add global gantt view.
[Added] Add email pipeline via imap for tickets.
[Added] Discount in estimates.
[Added] Date range filter in tickets list.
[Added] A new type in custom fields for external links.
[Added] 'Mark all as read' button on notifications dropdown.
[Updated] Upgrade codeigniter to 3.1.10.
[Updated] Responsive design for mobile devices.
[Updated] Make the company name field optional in the signup page and use the user's name instead.
[Updated] Updated old jquery scrollbar and added new one for better usability.
[Fixed] Custom field changes log/notifications visibility issue.
[Fixed] Updates page loading issue for some servers.
[Fixed] Can't pay via online when the partially paid is disabled.
[Fixed] Can't add link in tasks checklist.
[Fixed] Announcement saving date format is not working.
[Fixed] Some other minor bug fixes.
Version 2.1.1 – 21 September, 2018
[Added] Dashboard customization option for all users.
[Added] Widget - Open projects list.
[Added] Widget - Starred projects list.
[Added] Widget - Users open tasks.
[Added] Widget - Users open tasks list.
[Added] Widget - Tasks kanban view.
[Added] Widget - All team members.
[Added] Widget - Clocked in team members list.
[Added] Widget - Clocked out team members list.
[Added] Widget - Latest online team members list.
[Added] Widget - Latest online client contacts list.
[Added] Widget - Total invoices.
[Added] Widget - Total payments.
[Added] Widget - Total due.
[Added] Widget - Todo list.
[Added] Widget - New/Open/Closed tickets count.
[Added] Upcoming events widget for clients.
[Added] Sticky note widget for clients.
[Added] Discount option on invoices.
[Added] Client wise timesheet filter option.
[Added] Added taxes in expense.
[Added] Added a config to prevent duplicate company name.
[Added] Added custom date range filter option for invoices, payments and expenses.
[Added] Language changing option on user level.
[Added] Re-ordering option on invoice items.
[Added] Re-ordering option on task checklist.
[Added] Added option to create/link projects from accepted estimates.
[Added] Added file uploading option when creating tasks.
[Added] Added option to change estimate requests from the list view.
[Added] Show a border/icon with the tasks where there is any unread comments.
[Updated] Design updated on settings section.
[Updated] Show the input date fields according to the date format setting.
[Updated] Show error message if client pays extra amount on invoice.
[Updated] Disabled comment buttons after submitting comments.
[Fixed] Invoice payments table subtotal bug fixed.
[Fixed] Leave application on event calender timezone issue
[Fixed] Tasks custom fields change log and notification.
[Fixed] Copy custom fields on cloning project.
[Fixed] Gantt timezone issue and UI bug fixed.
[Fixed] Leave application on event calender timezone issue.