Other READ ME FIRST - Before request

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Staff member
Theme5s Lover
Trusted Uploader
Decoding Master
Reputation: 100%
Jan 8, 2018
Hello Everyone,

This Thread will be the guidelines if you're considering to submit a thread under this category.
This is for clean, untouched files only, any mention of nulling or nulled files will be ignored.

Before posting anything make good use of the search function to make sure that there is not an already open resource thread or an existing open request for what you are after.

You must have an account that is at least 30 days old. If these requirements are not met, the thread might not be looked at.

First of all
The most important thing first is to have a clear idea about what you're about to request.


Title of request
Thread title of the request must follow this template: [REQ] {script name} {version} (untouched}
Example: [REQ] Avada WordPress theme 7.8

This is the body template: Copy the below points inside your thread and simply answer them.
  • Title for your request: e.g "Avada WordPress Theme"
  • Version: e.g "I'm looking for version 7.8"
  • Link: ""
Thank you :)
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