Monarch Plugin by Elegantthemes

Elegantthemes Monarch Plugin by Elegantthemes 1.4.12

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Reputation: 100%
Jan 8, 2018
gpl5u submitted a new resource:

Monarch Plugin by Elegantthemes - Download Monarch Plugin laster version

Download Monarch Plugin laster version - A Better Social Sharing Plugin For WordPress


Reply in thread when have a new version, or you nedd upgrade
Sharing is Easier Than Ever
Monarch makes social sharing an absolute breeze. With a diverse set of display types such as floating sidebars, inline buttons, and automatic pop-ups, your visitors can now share your content with ease.

Social Floating...

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gpl5u updated Monarch Plugin by Elegantthemes with a new update entry:


version 1.4.2 ( updated 6-14-2018 )
- Updated core framework to the latest version.
- Sanitized values used to generate sharing popup.
* core/*
* monarch.php

version 1.4.1 ( updated 5-31-2018 )
- Updated core framework to the latest version.
- Added extra security hardening to the OAuth2 authorization callback.
* core/*

version 1.4 ( updated 5-26-2018 )
- updated core framework to the latest version.
- Added the option to disable Google Fonts.
* monarch.php

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gpl5u updated Monarch Plugin by Elegantthemes with a new update entry:


version 1.4.5 ( updated 08-13-2018 )
- Fixed WSOD that occurred in some cases.
* monarch.php

version 1.4.4 ( updated 08-13-2018 )
- Corrected German translation of button text in WP Admin.
- Fixed PHP notice that was occurring since introduction of rollback feature.
- Fixed "et_social_stats" table missing error.
* core/components/VersionRollback.php
* core/languages/
* core/languages/de_DE.po
* monarch.php

version 1.4.3 ( updated 7-13-2018 )
- Updated core...

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gpl5u updated Monarch Plugin by Elegantthemes with a new update entry:

1.4.12 ( updated 03-11-2019 )

version 1.4.12 ( updated 03-11-2019 )
- Security Update: Fixed a vulnerability that could allow some cross-site request forgery checks within our core product framework to be bypassed. In all cases, these checks were also hardened by user permission checks, however, user permissions checks alone are not sufficient to protect against all CSRF vectors. View the full disclosure here:
- Updated core to the...

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