iThemes Security Pro

Other iThemes Security Pro 6.8.4

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Jan 8, 2018
gpl5u submitted a new resource:

iThemes Security Pro - Download iThemes Security Pro laster version

Download iThemes Security Pro laster version -
The Best WordPress Security Plugin to
Secure & Protect WordPress



iThemes Security Pro takes the guesswork out of WordPress security. You shouldn’t have to be a security professional to use a security plugin, so iThemes Security Pro makes it easy to secure & protect your WordPress website.

Secure WordPress with a Trusted...

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gpl5u updated iThemes Security Pro with a new update entry:


4.8.1 - 2017-02-08 - Chris Jean & Timothy Jacobs
Bug Fix: Fixed schema issue with new logs table.

4.8.0 - 2017-02-08 - Chris Jean & Timothy Jacobs
Enhancement: Updated logging system to keep track of more information and have more options to filter and sort log entries.
Enhancement: Improved efficiency of File Change Detection scanning.
Enhancement: Added malware scan support for scanning all sites in a Multisite Network.
Bug Fix: Fixed issue that could register loading...

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gpl5u updated iThemes Security Pro with a new update entry:


5.1.0 - 2018-04-19 - Chris Jean & Timothy Jacobs
New Feature: Add Two-Factor On-Board flow.
Enhancement: Support disabling enforced Two-Factor the first time a user logs-in.
Enhancement: Introduced Login Interstitial framework to consolidate code between Password Requirements & Two Factor.
Bug Fix: Resolve warnings when upgrading file change settings.
Bug Fix: Allow read-only Application Passwords to make HEAD requests.
5.0.2 - 2018-04-17 - Chris Jean & Timothy...

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gpl5u updated iThemes Security Pro with a new update entry:


5.1.1 - 2018-04-25 - Chris Jean & Timothy Jacobs
Enhancement: Allow for customizing access to the Application Passwords feature.
Misc: Added comment to prevent Tide from marking the plugin as not compatible with PHP 5.3.
Tweak: Differentiate between "Enforced Two-Factor" and "Configured Two-Factor" in User Security Check.
Bug Fix: Improve clearing of previous File Change file hashes.
Bug Fix: Internal links to a filtered logs page.
Bug Fix: Prevent duplicate "user-logged-in" log items...

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gpl5u updated iThemes Security Pro with a new update entry:


5.1.4 - 2018-05-22 - Chris Jean & Timothy Jacobs
Enhancement: The number of users listed in the User Security Check model is now limited to 20 by default. This can be modified by using the itsec_user_security_check_users_per_page filter.
Enhancement: Introduce Distributed Storage framework for reducing the amount of data stored in the WordPress options table. This should improve performance for large sites using File Change.

5.2.0 - 2018-05-24 - Chris Jean & Timothy...

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gpl5u updated iThemes Security Pro with a new update entry:


5.7.0 - 2019-01-16 - Chris Jean & Timothy Jacobs
New Feature: reCAPTCHA v3 support. Can toggle between loading the api on all pages ( recommended ) or only the required pages. Adjust the Block Threshold from the recommended default of "0.5" based on the data in the Google reCAPTCHA console.
New Feature: On page reCAPTCHA opt-in to allow users to agree to Google's ToS without refreshing the page.

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gpl5u updated iThemes Security Pro with a new update entry:


5.8.0 - 2019-02-13 - Chris Jean & Timothy Jacobs
New Feature: Add "Click to Continue" button to email Two-Factor method to simplify usage.
Enhancement: Don't require logging in again after overriding Two-Factor in Sync in mid-login.
Enhancement: Improve redirecting after processing a login interstitial from a front-end login form.
Tweak: Add display description for log when safe guarding against an empty config file write.
Bug Fix: Include Hide Backend token when emailing...

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gpl5u updated iThemes Security Pro with a new update entry:

5.9.2 - 2019-02-20 - Chris Jean & Timothy Jacobs

5.9.2 - 2019-02-20 - Chris Jean & Timothy Jacobs
Bug Fix: Load new dashboard widget on Multisite network admin dashboard properly.
5.9.3 - 2019-03-12 - Chris Jean & Timothy Jacobs
Important: Replace Google QR Code API with an iThemes Security hosted solution. Google's API will be shutdown on March 14th, 2019. If you'd like to generate QR codes locally, a plugin is available in the members panel under "Plugins": iThemes Security - Local QR Code.
Enhancement: Add support for...

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gpl5u updated iThemes Security Pro with a new update entry: - 2019-11-18 - Brian DiChiara, Saylor Rain Holder, Chris Jean, Josh Benham, Jeremy Trask, Thomas Oliver, Tyler Gilbert, Yobani Mendoza, Michael Moore, AJ Morris
New Feature: BackupBuddy Dashboard Restore. Restore your whole site or a single file without ever leaving the WordPress Dashboard.
Enhancement: New Restore Backup Files interface.
Enhancement: Compare Backup Plugin and Theme Versions with current installed versions via Restore Files.
Enhancement: New local...

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gpl5u updated iThemes Security Pro with a new update entry:


6.6.3 - 2020-08-06 - Timothy Jacobs
Bug Fix: Bump lib/updater
6.6.4 - 2020-08-07 - Timothy Jacobs
Bug Fix: Update lib/updater to the latest version. Fixed fatal error that can happen when upgrading to the 1.6.1 version of this code: Ithemes_Updater_Settings::get_licensed_site_url() in server.php:199".
6.6.5 - 2020-08-13 - Timothy Jacobs
Bug Fix: On WordPress 5.5, use the new auto-update notification instead of the debug email.
Bug Fix: Updated lib/updater to 1.6.4 Added...

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