Themeforest Bacola - Grocery Store and Food eCommerce Theme NULLED

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gpl5u submitted a new resource:

Bacola - Grocery Store and Food eCommerce Theme NULLED - Download Bacola - Grocery Store and Food eCommerce Theme NULLED + Themeforest 32552148

Download Bacola - Grocery Store and Food eCommerce Theme NULLED + Themeforest 32552148

Grocery Store and Organic Food WooCommerce eCommerce WordPress Theme

If you are planning to build a Grocery Shop, then Bacola – Grocery Market and Organic Food Shop eCommerce Elementor WooCommerce WordPress Theme is what you need. This amazing theme can help you to build your own grocery store, organic food shop, online supermarket, woocommerce grocery, grocery multivendor...

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gpl5u updated Bacola - Grocery Store and Food eCommerce Theme NULLED with a new update entry:


Download Bacola - Grocery Store and Food eCommerce Theme NULLED + Themeforest 32552148
-- Updated: Bacola Core plugin.
-- Updated: WooCommerce
-- Updated: The language file.

-- Added: Side Cart.
-- Added: Buy Now button for product detail.
-- Added: Single Product Stock Progress Bar.
-- Added: Single Product Time Countdown.
-- Added: Min Order Amount.
-- Added: New Fields for the Registration Form.
-- Added: Move Review Tab option.
-- Added: Catalog Mode.
-- Added: WC...

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gpl5u updated Bacola - Grocery Store and Food eCommerce Theme NULLED with a new update entry:

1.3.4 NULL

Download Bacola - Grocery Store and Food eCommerce Theme 1.3.4 NULL + Themeforest 32552148​

-- Updated: WooCommerce.
-- Updated: Bacola Core plugin.

-- Updated: WooCommerce outdated files.
-- Updated: Bacola Core plugin.

-- Updated: Bacola Core plugin.
-- Updated: WooCommerce.

-- Updated: WooCommerce outdated files.

-- Added: SKU Search option.
-- Updated: Bacola Core plugin.
-- Updated: WooCommerce 7.7.2.

-- Updated: Ajax...

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  2. Bacola - Grocery Store and Food eCommerce Theme

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