admin dashboard

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  1. GPL5U

    Themeforest Frest - Bootstrap 5 HTML, Laravel & Asp.Net Admin Dashboard Template 5.0.0

    Download Frest - Bootstrap 5 HTML, Laravel & Asp.Net Admin Dashboard Template + Themeforest 24656841 Frest – Clean & Minimal Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard Template – is beautifully crafted, clean & minimal designed admin template with Vertical & Horizontal Layouts, with light/dark mode, RTL...
  2. GPL5U

    Vuexy - Vuejs, React, Angular, HTML & Laravel Admin Dashboard Template 9.2.0

    Download Vuexy - Vuejs, React, Angular, HTML & Laravel Admin Dashboard + Themeforest 23328599 Vuexy – Vuejs, React, Angular, HTML & Laravel Admin Dashboard Template – is the most developer friendly & highly customisable Admin Dashboard Template based on Bootstrap 4 & 5, Bootstrap Vue &...
  3. GPL5U

    Metronic - Bootstrap 4 HTML, React, Angular 9, VueJS & Laravel Admin Dashboard Theme 7.0.8

    Download Metronic - Bootstrap 4 HTML, React, Angular 9, VueJS & Laravel Admin Dashboard Theme
  4. GPL5U

    Light Admin - Clean Bootstrap 4 Dashboard HTML Template December 15th, 2019

    Download Light Admin - Clean Bootstrap 4 Dashboard HTML Template latest version Meet “Light Admin”. We’ve spent countless hours polishing this dashboard template to make it look and feel perfect. Every little detail is polished to perfection. It’s easy to squeeze countless plugins and useless...
  5. GPL5U

    Aero - Bootstrap Admin Template with Laravel & Angular version 1.5.0

    Download Aero - Bootstrap Admin Template with Laravel & Angular version latest version Aero, a next generation modern and clean Bootstrap 4x dashboard and admin template using flat, modern and minimal design. It is fully responsive built using SASS preprocessor, HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery plugins...
  6. GPL5U

    Elite Admin - Multipurpose Bootstrap 4 Admin Template 5.2

    Eliteadmin is a premium admin dashboard template with flat design. It is fully responsive admin dashboard template built with Bootstrap 4 Framework, HTML5 and CSS3, Media query. It has a huge collection of reusable UI components and integrated with latest jQuery plugins. It can be used for all...
  7. GPL5U

    Codecanyon IPIDO - White label WordPress Admin Theme 1.0.1

    Download IPIDO - White label WordPress Admin Theme latest version IPIDO Admin is the most complete and fully powered WP admin theme that we have ever made. With IPIDO you will forget that you are using WordPress as fast as a lightning. Customizing your admin area has never been so easy, with...
  8. GPL5U

    Themeforest Fuse - Angular 6+ & AngularJS & Bootstrap 4 HTML Material Design Admin Template 6.0.1

    Download Fuse - Angular 6+ & AngularJS & Bootstrap 4 HTML Material Design Admin Template Fuse Angular 6+ version is the successor of the great Fuse AngularJS version. It has AoT compiler support out of the box as well as a complete NgRx example app.