Download WoodMart 7.4.3 NULL - Responsive WooCommerce WordPress Theme + Themeforest 20264492
Update version 7.4.3
09-01-2024 – Update version 7.4.2
- FIXED: Checkout fields manager conflict with WooCommerce Version 8.5.0. (Topic)
- FIXED: Drilldown back button. (Topic)
- FIXED: AJAX product tabs spacing issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: Single product image with Photoswipe issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: PHP notices. (Topic)
- FIXED: Sticky container option in RTL. (Topic)
- FIXED: Result count element update after load more products. (Topic)
- FIXED: Add custom field option in edit product page. (Topic)
- FIXED: Updating url after use PhotoSwipe gallery. (Topic)
- FIXED: Notices with WooCommerce 8.5.0. (Topic)
- FIXED: Show single variation with draft product status issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: “View details” button in “Quick view”. (Topic)
- FIXED: Product labels visibility in carousel with “Lazy loading” enabled in Safari browser. (Topic)
- FIXED: Carousel overflow issue in Safari browser (Topic)
04-01-2024 – Update version 7.4.1
- FIXED: Mobile navigation console error. (Topic)
- FIXED: WPML Languages header builder element. (Topic)
- FIXED: Enqueue Swiper carousel script issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: Single product swatches variations issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: Header background overlay option conflicts with header banner style issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: Background gradient control in WPBakery page builder.
- FIXED: Login to see add to cart and prices with Woodmart layout issue.
02-01-2024 – Update version 7.4
- FIXED: The change of the url address after initiating the product gallery on the single product page. (Topic)
- FIXED: Checkout page with predefined layouts. (Topic)
- FIXED: Price filter widget with “Extra product options For WooCommerce” plugin enabled. (Topic)
- FIXED: Product swatches on quick view. (Topic)
- FIXED: Slider animation.
- FIXED: Product loop issue.
- FIXED: Grid on mobile devices.
- NEW FEATURE: Checkout fields manager. (Screenshot)
- NEW FEATURE: Layout “Drilldown” to “Mobile menu” in header builder. (Video)
- NEW FEATURE: Owl Carousel, Slick, and Flickity jQuery carousel plugins were replaced and unified with one Swiper carousel.
- ADDED: Options for all element with carousel. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Auto height” option for carousel settings. (Video)
- ADDED: “Center mode” option for carousel settings. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Arrows position” option for carousel settings. (Video)
- ADDED: “Hide pagination control” responsive control for carousel settings. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Dynamic pagination control” option for carousel settings. (Video)
- ADDED: “Hide Scrollbar” option for carousel settings. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Synchronization” option for carousel settings. (Video)
- ADDED: Ability to show half of the next carousel item. (Video)
- ADDED: Carousel arrow style options in theme settings. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Carousel pagination style options in theme settings. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Carousel scrollbar style options in theme settings. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Gallery gap” option for “Single product image gallery”. (Video)
- ADDED: “Thumbnails per slide: auto” option for “Single product image gallery”. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Thumbnails position bottom in mobile devices” option for “Single product image gallery” layout “Thumbnails left”. (Video)
- ADDED: “Thumbnails gallery width” option for “Single product image gallery” layout “Thumbnails left”. (Video)
- ADDED: “Thumbnails gallery height” option for “Single product image gallery” layout “Thumbnails left”. (Video)
- ADDED: “Column selector” control and “Center mode” option to Gallery layout “Carousel”. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Arrows color scheme” option for “Slider” element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Pagination color scheme” option for “Slider” element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Arrows custom style” option for “Slider” element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Pagination custom style” option for “Slider” element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Space between” responsive control.
- ADDED: “Grid items with different sizes” option for “Product categories” element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Pagination arrows position” option for “Products (grid or carousel)” element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Disable links” option for “Brands” element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Space between” option for “Brands” element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Padding” option for “Brands” element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Alignment” option for “Brands” element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “With background” option for “Brands” element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Image height” option for “Brands” element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Image width” option for “Brands” element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Design option” tab for “Testimonials” element on “WPBakery Page Builder”. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Display grid” option for “Pricing tables” element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Space between” option for “Pricing tables” element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Content width” option for “Instagram” element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Color Scheme” option for “Instagram” element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Text color” option for “Instagram” element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Background color” option for “Instagram” element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Typography” option for “Instagram” element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Design option” tab for “Blog” element on “WPBakery Page Builder”. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: New style “Simple” to element “Countdown timer”. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Styles option to “Product countdown” element on layouts. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Support of Elementor experimental feature “Inline Font Icons” in elements: “List”, “Popup”,”Button”, “Tabs”, “AJAX Products Tabs”, “Accordion”, “Marquee”.
- ADDED: New option “Submenu opening action” for mobile menu. (Video)
- ADDED: New option “Popup padding” for promo popup. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: New option “Dropdown paddings” for dropdown menu items. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Tablet and mobile controls for “Scrolling speed” option in “Marquee” element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Hide “Sort by” and hide “Price filter” widgets options for shop filters section on Theme Settings. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Sticky container” option on Elementor. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Styles to WooCommerce block-related notices.
- ADDED: “woodmart_get_standard_fonts” filter.
- ADDED: Quantities option for dynamic discounts. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Duplicate post action for HTML Blocks. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Duplicate post action for Layouts. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Duplicate post action for slides on edit slider page. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Show SKU on Thank you page. (Screenshot)
- CSS: Refactored grid system on elements.
- CSS: Refactored carousel on elements.
- CSS: Refactored “Quick view” option.
- CSS: Refactored “Ajax product tabs” element.
- CSS: Refactored “Brands” element.
- CSS: Refactored “Slider” element.
- CSS: Refactored “Instagram” element.
- CSS: Refactored “Images gallery” element.
- CSS: Refactored “Single product image gallery”.
- CSS: Refactored “Sticky off canvas sidebar button” element in Layouts.
- CSS: Refactored “Countdown timer” element.
- CSS: Refactored Blog loop styles “Flat” and “With background”.
- CSS: Refactored Blog loop format “Quote” styles.
- CSS: Refactored “Font Awesome 5” library in “Dokan” plugin.
- CSS: Refactored carousel styles in “YITH Woocommerce Compare” plugin.
- FIXED: Patches counter updating.
- FIXED: Simple dropdown sub-menus position with sticky header.
- FIXED: Frequently bought together product styles: “Bordered grid”, “Products background”, “Products shadow”.
- FIXED: Marque element on mobile devices. (Topic)
- FIXED: Renamed “Twitter” related options and elements to “X”.
- FIXED: Action button border-radius on “Video” element. (Topic)
- FIXED: Error in processing coordinates for Google map and Open street map elements. (Topic)
- FIXED: Bordered grid Outside options with product categories on shop archive page. (Topic)
- FIXED: PHP error in Wishlist. (Topic)
- FIXED: Active filters scrollbar on mobile devices. (Topic)
- FIXED: Fixed “Stripe” plugin payment form styles with “Updated checkout experience” option enabled. (Topic)
- FIXED: Elementor Pro cart page remove product button on iOS devices. (Topic)
- FIXED: Quick view in related product issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: Sticky navigation dropdown with full height design on tablet devices. (Topic)
- FIXED: Swatches variations on reset action. (Topic)
- FIXED: Enqueue styles for Wc Product Widgets element. (Topic)
- FIXED: Removed strong tag from HTML Block shortcode text on backend. (Topic)
- FIXED: Image hotspot element with validator issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: Layared nav widget dropdown layout on movile devices. (Topic)
- FIXED: Performance bug with wishlist. (Topic)
- FIXED: Wishlist promotional emails. (Topic)
- FIXED: Single product breadcrumb on mobile devices with layout builder. (Topic)
- FIXED: Dynamic discount rules can be specified for one product item. (Topic)
- FIXED: Dynamic discounts table can be rewritten in the child theme.
- FIXED: Full-height dropdown with RTL. (Topic)
- FIXED: Display of the message that no products were found for the on sale filter in the WOODMART Stock status widget. (Topic)
- FIXED: Product dynamic discounts table element when option ‘Show discounts table’ is disabled. (Topic)
- FIXED: Render dynamic discounts table if the product has no price.
- FIXED: Wishlists permalinks in admin panel. (Topic)
- FIXED: PHP errors. (Topic)
- FIXED: Show single variation with wishlist issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: Social login issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: Promo popup element with WPBakery Page Builder issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: Output wishlist products with “out of stock” product issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: The translation of html tags in the Information box shortcode. (Topic)
- FIXED: “Update cart item” ajax action after cleaning the basket.(Topic)
- IMPROVED: “White lable” option with WPBakery elements.
- IMPROVED: Links created via onClick event replaced with regular link tags in Infobox, Banner, Slider and Menu price elements.
- IMPROVED: Elementor prebuild websites import using “Flexbox container” element.
- REMOVED: Deprecated function ‘get_page_by_title’.
- DEPRECATED: “Icon name (from FontAwesome 5 set)” menu option for Elementor builder.
- DEPRECATED: “Font Awesome library” for Elementor builder.
- REFACTORED: Core PHP classes of the theme to improve their readability and optimization.
- REFACTORED: Added namespaces for the theme’s main PHP classes, which helps to better organize and avoid name conflicts.
- REFACTORED: PHP code was formatted to improve readability and standardize the programming style.
- UPDATED: Google fonts list
Download WoodMart version 7.3.2 Responsive WooCommerce WordPress Theme + Themeforest 20264492
04-10-2023 – Update version 7.3.2
07-09-2023 – Update version 7.3.1
- FIXED: Dynamic discount table for non-logged in users.
- FIXED: Typography settings. (Topic)
- FIXED: WoodMart Author Information widget issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: Output HTML-Block content without builder issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: Image zoom in single product page issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: Login user issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: Enqueue css with Elementor builder. (Topic)
- FIXED: Performance bug with custom image size. (Topic)
- FIXED: Frequently bought together with tax price issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: Elementor “Container” padding option with “Container stretch” option enabled.
- FIXED: Mobile menu sub-menu opener with HTML-block sub-menu.
- UPDATE: WooCommerce template.
05-09-2023 – Update version 7.3
- FIXED: Checkout column layout issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: Hover on product “Show summary on hover” issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: PHP errors.
- NEW VERSION: Furniture 2
- NEW VERSION: Games Dark
- NEW FEATURE: Dynamic discounts. (Docs)
- NEW FEATURE: Product sold counter. (Docs)
- ADDED: “Video” element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Marquee” element. (Video, Demo)
- ADDED: “Nested carousel” element. (Video)
- ADDED: New product hover “Buttons on hover”. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Product category style “Zoom out”. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: New blog design “List”. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: New style “Primary” to “Social buttons” element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Shape “Rounded” to “Social buttons” element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: New “Search” element form style. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Show HTML Blocks” option to “Mobile menu” header element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: New “One column” layout to header row options. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Custom social links to “Social buttons” element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Design “Simple” to mega menu element with vertical orientation. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Icon alignment option to mega menu element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Star rating to “Icons and add to cart on hover” product loop design. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Background image option for “Infobox” element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Icon spacing option to “Infobox” element in WPBakery, Elementor and Header builder. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: The ability to choose a custom icon to “Visitor counter” element in Layouts. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Layout “Inline” to “Product additional information table” element in Layouts. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Hide image” and “Hide name” option to “Product additional information table” element in Layouts. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Video background in “Promo Banner” element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Video in “Image Hotspot” element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Icon color selection in “Image Hotspot” element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Icon on hover option to “Image Hotspot” element. (Video)
- ADDED: “Categories rounding” option in theme settings. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Blog options in theme settings: “Title for posts”, “Meta information”, “Post text”, “Read more button”. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Single product gallery combined grid layout “2:3:2” and “1:2”. (Screenshot, Video)
- ADDED: Option to selection of the number of thumbnails in single product gallery grid from 1 to 6. (Screenshot, Screenshot)
- ADDED: Option to change gap between thumbnails in single product gallery grid. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Option to disable carousel on mobile devices on single product gallery grid. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: rel=”nofollow” attribute for stock status widget. (Topic)
- ADDED: Show reviews count on product loop. (Video)
- ADDED: Delete outdated Instagram images option. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Save compare button state after adding in compare list.
- ADDED: “Apply all” button for patcher page. (Screenshot, Topic)
- ADDED: “Load text domain” option in Theme settings.
- ADDED: “Show stock quantity” option for product grid. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Quantity buttons to “On variation click” quick shop type. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Responsive thumbnails per slide with thumbnails position left. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Product archive “Filtered by stock status” condition. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Show checkboxes” option to “Woodmart WooCommerce Layered Nav” widget. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Helper tooltip with icon unicode to the Typography -> Icon Fonts section in Theme Settings. (Video)
- ADDED: “Heading background” option for “Tabs” and “AJAX Products tabs” elements. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Form height” option for “AJAX search” element and header search. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Discord messenger follow button to “Social button” element. (Screenshot)
- CSS: Refactored product hover styles.
- CSS: Refactored “Infobox” element styles.
- CSS: Refactored single product gallery grid.
- CSS: Refactored styles on cart and checkout pages.
- CSS: Refactored Heading in “Tabs” and “AJAX Products tabs” elements.
- FIXED: Product archive background option.
- FIXED: Limit swatches with linked product variation.
- FIXED: “Infobox Carousel” element bottom space in WPBakery page builder.
- FIXED: Age verify popup closing on mobile. (Topic)
- FIXED: Collapsible content with disabled “Optimized DOM output” option. (Topic)
- FIXED: Header banner link z-index with HTML-block content. (Topic)
- FIXED: Woodmart dashboard header for users with non-admin role. (Topic)
- FIXED: Menu item label in main header navigation. (Topic)
- FIXED: Change product image on attribute click with quick shop on variation click.
- FIXED: Init open street map in popup element.
- FIXED: List element translates with WPML.
- FIXED: Render multiple markers content in google map element. (Topic)
- FIXED: Duplicate WooCommerce structured data generation. (Topic)
- FIXED: Output content in section title element issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: Scrolling issue with “YITH Frontend Manager for WooCommerce”. (Topic)
- FIXED: Scrolling issue with “MultivendorX”.
- FIXED: Related products add to cart button icon on single product page. (Topic)
- FIXED: Load Instagram image with API connect issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: Enqueue compare icon style in header builder issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: Frequently bought together products with 100% discount issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: Show single variation with draft product variation issue. (Topic, Topic)
- FIXED: WPML config file.
- FIXED: Cart and checkout pages styles on Elementor Pro.
- FIXED: Header banner with boxed side width wrapper. (Topic)
- FIXED: My account navigation styles on Elementor Pro. (Topic)
- FIXED: “YITH WooCommerce Request a Quote” plugin enqueue style issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: “Show summary on hover” product hover with product rating issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: Instagram duplication images issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: Vertical image gallery in single product issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: Output extra description for product category issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: PHP errors in admin panel. (Topic)
- FIXED: Elementor accordion widget. (Topic)
- FIXED: Widget cart enqueue script issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: AJAX shop issue.
- FIXED: “WooCommerce Payments” plugin button position.
- FIXED: WooCommerce hook element is empty with WPBakery Page Builder issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: Compare and wishlist added products issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: Linked Variations with variable product when some product has not linked attribute. (Topic)
- FIXED: Show single variation with related products. (Topic)
- FIXED: “Products view” element with WPBakery page builder. (Topic)
- FIXED: Update wishlist table in database issue. (Topic)
- IMPROVED: Output images with custom sizes for elements.
- UPDATED: Google fonts list.
Download WoodMart - Multipurpose WooCommerce Theme Null Free + Themeforest 20264492
17-02-2023 – Update version 7.1.3
15-02-2023 – Update version 7.1.2
- FIXED: Quantity in mini cart with Tiered Price Table for WooCommerce plugin.
- FIXED: Add to cart button on product hovers.
- FIXED: Errors in Video player element for WP Bakery page builder.
- FIXED: Breeze plugin compatibility with header builder.
- FIXED: Translation for reviews pros/cons.
- FIXED: Mobile search element in mobile header. (Topic)
- FIXED: Attachment image theme with white label option. (Topic)
- FIXED: Smooth scroll for button element in header builder. (Topic)
14-02-2023 – Update version 7.1.1
- ADDED: Nonce validation for the license form.
- FIXED: Product loop button sizes.
- FIXED: Sticky navigation with sticky header in boxed site width.
- FIXED: Sticky navigation with full-width search in boxed site width.
- FIXED: Elementor Data Updater issue. (Topic)
- UPDATE: WooCommerce template.
- DEV: Added filter “woodmart_option” for theme settings options.
13-02-2023 – Update version 7.1.0
- IMPORTANT: Security issue fixed. Please, update the theme to secure your website.
- NEW VERSION: Mega Electronics
- NEW FEATURE: Sticky navigation. (Video)
- NEW FEATURE: Product reviews new fields, filters and sorting. (Screenshot)
- NEW FEATURE: Single product gallery video. (Video)
- NEW FEATURE: Product gallery on product loop. (Video)
- NEW FEATURE: Manage product cart content on checkout page. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: New custom shop page #14. (Demo)
- ADDED: New custom product page #12. (Demo)
- ADDED: Three icons fonts with different font weight (Video)
- ADDED: Pagination in single product main gallery option. (Video)
- ADDED: New product labels style. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: New stock status style. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Background overlay” option to “Main menu”, “Menu”, “Account” and “Categories” header elements. (Screenshot) (Video)
- ADDED: “Full height” design for navigation dropdowns. (Screenshot) (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Enable scroll” option to “Full-width” and “Set sizes” dropdown designs. (Screenshot) (Video)
- ADDED: “Stretch section with CSS” option for “Row” and “Section” elements in WPBakery. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: New product review style. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Product review “Pros and cons” option. (Video)
- ADDED: Reviews “Form location” option. (Video)
- ADDED: “Reviews columns” option. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Review summary statistics panel. (Video)
- ADDED: “Rating by criteria” options. (Video)
- ADDED: Review “Likes” option. (Video)
- ADDED: “Verified owner” badge option. (Video)
- ADDED: Reviews sorting option. (Video)
- ADDED: “Filter reviews by images” option. (Video)
- ADDED: New “Search” element form style. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Form shape option for “Search” element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Product category selector styles for “Search” element: “Default”, “Bordered”, “Separated”. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Thumbnails per slide in single product gallery. (Video)
- ADDED: Title options to “Product additional information table” element. (Screenshot) (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Attribute name and term typography options to “Product additional information table” element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Data source option to “Product additional information table” element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Product loop background options in Theme Settings and product related elements. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Product loop shadow option in Theme Settings and product related elements. (Video)
- ADDED: Product loop color-scheme option in Theme Settings and product related elements. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Table” element. (Screenshot, Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Product stock status” element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Open street map” element. (Screenshot, Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Multiple markers” option to Google map element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Countdown timer” option to Promo banner element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Access key for maintenance mode. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Preset by user role. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Product image” option on the checkout page order review table. (Video)
- ADDED: “Quantity” option on the checkout page order review table. (Video)
- ADDED: “Remove button” option on the checkout page order review table. (Video)
- ADDED: “Link to product” option on the checkout page order review table. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Clients wishlist overview page. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Custom CSS for admin dashboard. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Style option “Background” for Header “Main menu” & “Menu” elements. (Screenshot) (Video)
- ADDED: Show\Hide password characters button for login and register forms on “My account” page. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Hide top and bottom border” for Accordion element with “Default” style. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Extra product options For WooCommerce” plugin support. (Link)
- ADDED: “WooCommerce Payments” plugin support. (Link)
- ADDED: “PayPal Payments” plugin support. (Link)
- ADDED: “Klarna Payments” plugin support. (Link)
- ADDED: “Klarna Checkout” plugin support. (Link)
- ADDED: New icon designs for the next header builder elements: Account, Wishlist, Compare, Cart, Main menu, Search, Mobile menu. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Sticky navigation” element to the header builder. (Screenshot) (Video)
- ADDED: “Background wrap type” option for several icon designs with the background. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: New slider pagination style. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Slider pagination horizontal alignment option. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Typography for default button and accent button. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Ability to change typography and colors for all buttons. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Video” element play button size option in WPBakery. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Change product image on attribute click. (Screenshot, Video)
- ADDED: Vertical alignment image option to information box element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Ability to upload an image to button element. (Screenshot)(Screenshot)
- ADDED: Custom typography to button element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Custom color to button element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Hide countdown timer element on finish time. (Video)
- FIXED: Linked Variations on the product page. (Topic)
- FIXED: Title typography in “Product Categories” element. (Topic)
- FIXED: Add to cart button on responsive in product hover style “Quick”. (Topic)
- FIXED: “Disabled swatch style” with lazy-loading. (Topic)
- FIXED: Product thumbnail border-radius at mobile cart. (Topic)
- FIXED: Advanced typography for Product title at mobile grid. (Topic)
- FIXED: Product swatches styles on iOS devices. (Topic)
- FIXED: Product visitors counter issue. (Topic, Topic)
- FIXED: Widgets editor with Gutenberg editor. (Topic)
- FIXED: Send on sales products issue. (Topic, Topic)
- FIXED: Image hotspot element without product. (Topic)
- FIXED: Stock status product in product grid issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: WooCommerce notices in checkout page. (Topic)
- FIXED: Show empty product category in size guide editor. (Topic)
- FIXED: W3C errors with full screen search. (Topic)
- FIXED: Output variation products on wishlist page. (Topic, Topic)
- FIXED: Changed title tag in Recent Posts widget. (Topic)
- FIXED: Autoload for theme settings backup option. (Topic)
- FIXED: Full-width row spacing in the Opera browser. (Topic)
- FIXED: Product gallery with Elementor Pro. (Topic)
- FIXED: Brand image swatches size.
- FIXED: Background “Inherit” option in Woodmart Slider.
- FIXED: Header menus elements with “Display inline” option. (Topic)
- FIXED: Sticky header clone fade down animation. (Topic)
- FIXED: Price advanced typography selectors. (Topic)
- FIXED: Product swatches with Firefox browser issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: Google map element notice. (Topic)
- FIXED: Blog element issue. (Topic)(Topic)
- FIXED: Swatches variation issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: WP Rocket excluded pages issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: Frequently bought together with WOOCS – WooCommerce Currency Switcher plugin calculation issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: Wave Validator errors. (Topic)
- FIXED: WooCommerce export products issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: Portfolio pagination issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: Checkout payment with WoodMart Layouts. (Topic)
- FIXED: Elementor Data Updater issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: HTML dropdown with AJAX issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: Sanitize URL in slider link.
- FIXED: WooCommerce hooks elements with WoodMart Layouts. (Topic)
- FIXED: Variation out of stock in product grid issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: Include product sale price in Frequently bought together total.
- FIXED: Product image size with archive products element. (Topic)
- FIXED: “Screen options” display on theme-related dashboard pages. (Topic)
- FIXED: Menu dropdown design issue. (Topic)
- UPDATED: WooCommerce template.
- UPDATED: Google fonts list.
- DEV: Added filter “woodmart_shipping_progress_bar_amount” for shipping progress bar.
- DEV: Added filter “woodmart_get_numberposts_by_query_autocomplete” for theme settings control with autocomplete.
- DEV: Added filter “woodmart_show_required_in_search_form” for search form element.
- IMPROVED: “Shop” and “Accent” button design groups in the theme settings merged into one “Accent” group.
- IMPROVED: “Map” element renamed to “Google map”.
- IMPROVED: Simple dropdown menu position in Header builder right column.
- IMPROVED: Scroll to “Full width button” and “Summary on hover” product loop styles with long short description content. (Screenshot)
- REMOVED: Option “Deprecated CSS classes from v5.x” in theme settings, now the option works through “woodmart_show_deprecated_css_classes” filter.
- REMOVED: Base deprecated styles related to the old (6.1 and lower) dummy content installations. Can be manually enabled via the “Styles always load” option. (Screenshot)
25-04-2022 – Update version 6.4.2
19-04-2022 – Update version 6.4.1
- FIXED: Calculation for free shipping with taxes.
- FIXED: Dummy content is split into parts to avoid timeout errors.
11-04-2022 – Update version 6.4.0
- FIXED: Calculation for free shipping with taxes. (Topic)
- FIXED: Products bordered grid on Related products. (Topic)
- FIXED: Import PHP error on some servers. (Topic)
- FIXED: Extra content option. (Topic)
- FIXED: Product filters PHP notices. (Topic)
- FIXED: Single product brand with RTL.
- FIXED: WPBakery tabs element typography options. (Topic)
- FIXED: Theme custom code conflict with WordPress dashboard styles. (Topic)
- ADDED: New custom shop page #5. (Link)
- ADDED: New custom shop page #6. (Link)
- ADDED: New custom product page #6. (Link)
- ADDED: New custom product page #7. (Link)
- ADDED: New custom product page #8. (Link)
- ADDED: Mobile menu close button. (Screenshot, Screenshot)
- ADDED: Free shipping progress bar. (Screenshot, Screenshot, Documentation)
- ADDED: Preloader color scheme option. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Is RTL” condition to theme settings presets. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Responsive columns for Blog, Portfolio, Products, Products tabs, Products categories element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Keep the page number in the URL” option for load more pagination. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Product filters element inline option
- ADDED: Product categories widget selectors to advanced typography.
- ADDED: Option Even product grid (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Option bordered grid inside (Screenshot)
- FIXED: Brands element empty name issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: New preset creation issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: Fixed WPBakery shortcodes in “Quick view”. (Topic)
- FIXED: Shop page styles on AJAX change from layout to default.
- FIXED: Layered navigation widget category select. (Screenshot)
- FIXED: Errors in widgets Gutenberg editor. (Topic)
- FIXED: JS files error. (Topic)
- FIXED: Fixed CSS validator errors. (Topic)
- FIXED: WPML with layout conditions. (Topic)
- FIXED: Product list view add to cart button issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: Dokan PHP fatal error. (Topic)
- FIXED: After back history on the shop page order by select not run AJAX.
- FIXED: Dropdowns animation on iPad. (Topic)
- FIXED: Product element load more button undefined in url. (Topic)
- FIXED: Quick shop variations bug when the quick view is turned off. (Topic)
- FIXED: Login to see add to cart and prices now hide price from Google search. (Topic)
- FIXED: WordPress Gutenberg global styles and SVG now related to “Disable Gutenberg styles”. (Screenshot, Screenshot)
- FIXED: PHP notice in Elementor element Products widget. (Topic)
- FIXED: Single product sticky add to cart on layouts.
- DEV: Added filter “woodmart_animated_counter_speed” to change Animated counter element speed.
- IMPROVED: Options where select HTML Block now load data with AJAX.
- IMPROVED: Changed media queries on all theme options for WPBakery from 1024 to 1199 (Element width, margin, padding, hidden option, align options, typography option, off-canvas column, collapsible content)
11-12-2020 – Update version 5.3.6
09-12-2020 – Update version 5.3.5
- FIXED: Autocomplete control in theme settings
- FIXED: Product brands element PHP notice
- FIXED: Outdated WooCommerce template version
- FIXED: Sticky header issue
- FIXED: Menu dropdown hover issue
- FIXED: Compatibility with Extras for Elementor & JetEngine
- FIXED: Product brands PHP notice
- FIXED: PHP 7.4 notices
- UPDATED: Waypoint library to 4.0.1
16-11-2020 – Update version 5.3.4
- FIXED: jQuery 3.5.1 error with PJAX library
- REMOVED: Deprecated jQuery methods
05-11-2020 – Update version 5.3.3
- FIXED: Device.js error on Mac
- FIXED: Clear swatches cache on product selling
- FIXED: Sticky add to cart with Elementor custom single product template
04-11-2020 – Update version 5.3.2
- FIXED: New products query performance
04-11-2020 – Update version 5.3.1
- FIXED: Add to wishlist issue
04-11-2020 – Update version 5.3.0
- FIXED: PHP Errors with elementor
25-08-2020 – Update version 5.2.0
- ADDED: Official full Toolset plugin compatibility
- ADDED: Elementor Pro custom header and footer better support
- ADDED: New label end date option
- FIXED: `Project title in page heading` option behavior
- FIXED: Elementor images gallery lightbox issue
- FIXED: Promo banner WPB element link issue
- FIXED: Infobox header element link target issue
- FIXED: Off-canvas sidebar button on portfolio pages
- FIXED: Standard font issue
- FIXED: Mini cart quantity update one item only
- FIXED: Quick view with external product ajax button issue
- FIXED: Blog results on the search page
- FIXED: Username with API in Instagram WPB element
- FIXED: Loader issue in mini cart widget on remove
- FIXED: Elementor product filters element query type issue
- FIXED: Select2 in theme widgets
- FIXED: Wishlist duplicate query
- FIXED: Elementor responsive with single product accordion
- FIXED: Errors when WooCommerce is not installed
- FIXED: HTML tags not working in the product title
- FIXED: OWL Carousel random jumps
- FIXED: Full-width carousel arrows
- FIXED: Mobile menu on small screen devices
- FIXED: Variation swatches spacing
- FIXED: Mobile menu icon label
- FIXED: Dokan dashboard mobile menu on safari browser
- FIXED: Hide “to” price option on sticky add to cart
- FIXED: Hide “to” price option on safari browser
- FIXED: PHP Errors
- IMPROVED: Theme Settings performance
- IMPROVED: WCFM – WooCommerce Frontend Manager stock status field
- IMPROVED: Prev Next button on products
- IMPROVED: AJAX Search by categories
- IMPROVED: Remove product from mini cart if product quantity equal to zero
- UPDATED: Google fonts list
- UPDATED: WPBakery Page Builder plugin 6.4.1
- UPDATED: Revolution Slider plugin 6.2.23
- UPDATED: Woodmart Core plugin 1.0.27
- REMOVED: Deprecated font format files
- DEV: Added `woodmart_compare_return_to_shop_url` filter to `inc/integrations/woocommerce/modules/compare.php` file
- DEV: Added `woodmart_wishlist_return_to_shop_url` filter to `inc/integrations/woocommerce/modules/wishlist/class-ui.php` file
- DEV: Added `woodmart-quick-view-displayed` trigger to JS
- DEV: Added `wp_body_open` action
- DEV: Added `woodmart_photoswipe_close_on_scroll` filter to disable photo swipe close on scroll
- DEV: Fixed `is_product_exists()` function in `inc/integrations/woocommerce/modules/wishlist/class-wishlist.php` file
05-08-2020 – Update version 5.1.0
- ADDED: Elementor sections negative margin option
- ADDED: “Select all” button to multiselect control
- ADDED: Additional variation gallery data storage method option
- ADDED: Elementor 3.0 compatibility
- IMPROVED: CSS full width row
- UPDATED: WooCommerce 4.4 templates versions
- FIXED: Mobile bottom navbar order
- FIXED: Menu anchor with full screen menu
- FIXED: JS error in theme settings
- FIXED: Header builder button link issue
- FIXED: Header builder account element title tooltip
- FIXED: Safari price bug
- FIXED: Load more button screen position
- FIXED: Mobile header elements custom icon
- FIXED: Single product container width
- FIXED: Elementor Pro form widget size options
- FIXED: PHP errors
- UPDATED: WPBakery Page Builder plugin 6.3.0
- UPDATED: Revolution Slider plugin 6.2.22
24-07-2020 – Update version 5.0.3
- ADDED: Additional elements pages on Elementor to dummy content
- ADDED: Size guide Elementor element
- ADDED: Brand autoplay options to WPB Brand element
- ADDED: Slider center mode option for Product and Products tab elements
- ADDED: CSS Generator additional options
- FIXED: Mobile carousel gradient on RTL
- FIXED: Elementor Pro. Container width on product archive
- FIXED: Elementor Pro. Container width on single templates
- FIXED: Elementor Pro. Styles for Archive Products element
- FIXED: Elementor Pro. Styles for WooCommerce Breadcrumbs element
- FIXED: Elementor Pro. Styles for Product Price element
- FIXED: Elementor Pro. Styles for Product Rating element
- FIXED: Elementor Pro. Styles for Product Stock element
- FIXED: Elementor Pro. Styles for Product Meta element
- FIXED: Elementor Pro. Styles for Product Data Tabs element
- FIXED: Elementor Pro. Styles for Additional Information element
- FIXED: Elementor Pro. Styles of quick shop option on Upsells and Product Related elements
- FIXED: Elementor Pro. Appearance bugs for Product Images element
- FIXED: Elementor Pro. Appearance bugs for Add To Cart element
- FIXED: Elementor Pro. Elementor Popup scroll
- FIXED: Swatches limit option color on product hover “Full info on hover”
- FIXED: Pricing Tables spacing on Elementor
- FIXED: Product page zoom with image png format
- FIXED: Checkbox on review form from Mail Chimp
- FIXED: Position stars and swatches on product hover “Tiled”
- FIXED: Click on button on hover “base” in carousel on Safari
- FIXED: “Open product on click on mobile” on Safari
- FIXED: Quantity buttons in product carousel
- FIXED: Timeline Elementor element background color issue
- FIXED: Google fonts font family issue
- FIXED: Infobox JS error with SVG animations option
- FIXED: Single product JS error
- FIXED: Single product full height sidebar
- FIXED: Shop page link function
- FIXED: Wishlist empty page issue
- FIXED: Review images with Elementor issue
- FIXED: Products tab columns
- DEV: Added `woocommerce_checkout_before_order_review_heading` action to `form-checkout.php` file
- DEV: Added `woodmart_dashboard_theme_links_access` filter to change dashboard links access
- UPDATED: Woodmart Core plugin 1.0.26
20-07-2020 – Update version 5.0.2
- FIXED: Import error after Elementor 2.9.14 update
- UPDATED: Woodmart Core plugin 1.0.25
15-07-2020 – Update version 5.0.1
- FIXED: Theme elements list with Elementor Pro
- FIXED: Size guide shortcode
- FIXED: Single product swatches select
- FIXED: Mobile bottom navbar order
- FIXED: Instagram images via API
- FIXED: Hide larger price option on iOS devices.
- UPDATED: Woodmart Core plugin 1.0.24
- UPDATED: Revolution Slider plugin 6.2.17
14-07-2020 – Update version 5.0.0
- FIXED: Force CSS clear cache after update
- FIXED: Quantity buttons in product AJAX tabs
- FIXED: Quantity buttons on out of stock product
- FIXED: Elementor full width row
15-04-2020 – Update version 4.6.0
- ADDED: NEW FEATURE – Elementor Support. IMPORTANT: Read our 5.0 update information here
- ADDED: NEW FEATURE – Product quantity on the shop page (for standard and quick hover only)
- ADDED: NEW FEATURE – Product quantity in mini cart widget
- ADDED: NEW FEATURE – Stick selected swatches name on the product page
- ADDED: NEW FEATURE – Limit swatches on grid
- ADDED: NEW FEATURE – Stock status widget
- ADDED: 40 Elementor widgets
- ADDED: WooCommerce 4.3 compatibility
- ADDED: Toolset plugin support
- cart-totals-inner
- ADDED: Images gallery scroll per page option
- ADDED: Filter to woodmart_shop_page_link() function
- ADDED: Viber share link
- ADDED: AJAX Products tabs JS callback after loaded
- ADDED: Message to review form if image upload enabled but user not login
- ADDED: TikTok social link
- ADDED: Hide empty categories from page title option
- ADDED: Exclude categories from page title option
- ADDED: Time picker to countdown timer element
- ADDED: Swap menu and categories menu on mobile option
- ADDED: Brand autoplay option
- ADDED: Change portfolio project URL slug option
- ADDED: Change portfolio category URL slug option
- ADDED: Supports custom fields to slider post type
- ADDED: CSS Generator additional options
- ADDED: Underline style on banner and infobox style
- ADDED: Options to display image as background and height for banner
- ADDED: Text transform options on typography
- FIXED: Session error on shop page
- FIXED: Grid switcher on shop page
- FIXED: Product price filter after import missing
- FIXED: CSS Generator issue after site transfer to new domain issue
- FIXED: Issue with WPML Language picker in footer on after AJAX
- FIXED: Dynamic css file generating
- FIXED: Grouped products image
- FIXED: Button / Popup / Header builder button icons option
- FIXED: Login dropdown JS error
- FIXED: Single product JS error
- FIXED: PHP 7.4 errors
- FIXED: Instagram error
- FIXED: WhatsApp shape link
- FIXED: On header remove action database data clean
- FIXED: Hide “to” price in Safari browser
- FIXED: Instagram element video aspect ratio
- FIDED: RTL product lable minus symbol problem
- FIXED: Header search icon on mobile devices
- FIXED: Billing addres in one column issue
- FIXED: Mobile bottom bar text overflow
- FIXED: WCFM plugin mobile product grid spacing
- FIXED: Plugin Contact form 7 style
- FIXED: Option “Additional variation images” problem with loading image
- FIXED: First active tab is visible on single product page
- FIXED: Sold individually option by Woocommerce
- IMPROVED: List element style
- IMPROVED: Woodmart font icons
- REMOVED: Redux Framework backward compatibility
- REMOVED: Option Font Awesome light
- UPDATED: Translations POT files
- UPDATED: Woodmart Core plugin 1.0.23
- UPDATED: Revolution Slider plugin 6.2.15
- UPDATED: WPBakery Page Builder plugin 6.2.0
24-02-2020 – Update version 4.5.2
- ADDED: NEW FEATURE – Site preloader (beta)
- ADDED: Button element icon option
- FIXED: WooCommerce 4.0 template versions
- FIXED: WPML multi currency AJAX actions
- FIXED: Mega menu loading issue
- FIXED: Translating compare product attributes by WPML
- FIXED: Age verify popup translate
- FIXED: Justified gallery
- FIXED: RTL menu child dropdown arrow icon
- FIXED: Mobile menu widgets styles
- FIXED: Chess blog post style CSS generator issue
- FIXED: Dashboard WooCommerce order input styles
- FIXED: RTL full-width row page loading issue
- FIXED: Quick view content issue on non-webkit browsers
- FIXED: Single product tabs with product hover
- UPDATED: Google fonts list
- UPDATED: Translations POT files
- UPDATED: Woodmart Core plugin 1.0.22
- UPDATED: Revolution Slider plugin 6.2.2
21-02-2020 – Update version 4.5.1
- FIXED: Broken style.css file (unminified version)
21-02-2020 – Update version 4.5.0
- FIXED: Buttons click bug
- FIXED: Icons cache issue
- ADDED: NEW VERSION – Medical marijuana
- ADDED: NEW FEATURE – Age verification popup
- ADDED: Font Awesome 5 support
- ADDED: Multiple select category to Woodmart layered nav widget
- ADDED: Element button smooth scroll option
- ADDED: Option to disable Justified gallery on blog post
- ADDED: Content full width option to Woodmart slider
- ADDED: Autoplay speed option to Woodmart slider
- ADDED: Custom header select on single product metaboxes
- ADDED: WooCommerce 3.9 compatibility
- FIXED: My account dropdown with browser autocomplete
- FIXED: Synchronize quantity on shop page and on sticky add to cart
- FIXED: Sidebar loading issue on shop page
- FIXED: Blog element load more
- FIXED: Owl carousel click issue on single product
- FIXED: Wishlist with out of stock products
- FIXED: Header builder border
- FIXED: Share button VK
- FIXED: Woodmart class autoload
- FIXED: RSS with lazy loading
- FIXED: Product variation gallery data translate with WPML
- FIXED: Justified Gallery styles
- FIXED: List styles in category description
- FIXED: Disable overflow row option
- FIXED: Portfolio element on single post page
- UPDATED: Translations POT files
- UPDATED: Revolution Slider plugin 6.1.8
14-01-2020 – Update version 4.4.0
05-12-2019 – Update version 4.3.0
- ADDED: NEW VERSION – Fashion minimalism
- ADDED: Slider Revolution inherit font option
- ADDED: Disable breadcrumbs on shop and product page options
- FIXED: Filters link with WPML
- FIXED: Review images message tooltip
- FIXED: Product filter price element with WPML
- FIXED: Alt attribute on avatar image
- FIXED: Swatches single product tooltip
- FIXED: SVG cache issue
- UPDATED: WPML config file
- UPDATED: Revolution Slider plugin 6.1.6
- UPDATED: WPBakery Page Builder plugin 6.1
- UPDATED: Woodmart Core plugin 1.0.21
- UPDATED: Translations POT files
26-11-2019 – Update version 4.2.2
- ADDED: NEW FEATURE – Upload images to product reviews
- ADDED: NEW FEATURE – Custom thank you page
- ADDED: NEW FEATURE – Hide a higher price for variable products
- ADDED: New Instagram API (read instruction)
- FIXED: Price filter in product filters element with WPML
- FIXED: Odnoklassniki share button
- FIXED: Wishlist issue with long products id
- UPDATED: Revolution Slider plugin 6.1.5
- UPDATED: Translations POT files
06-11-2019 – Update version 4.2.1
- ADDED: Fix for a better compatibility with Google Tag Manager for WordPress plugin
- FIXED: Incorrect display of characters in AJAX search
- FIXED: Product page accordion with Lazy load issue
- FIXED: WhatsApp share link
- FIXED: PHP errors on edit page with some theme elements
- FIXED: Missing dark version styles
- FIXED: Products containing text “loading” in categories slug
31-10-2019 – Update version 4.2.0
- FIXED: Additional variation images issue
- FIXED: Shop categories in page title order
- FIXED: Single product reviews tab issue
- FIXED: Remove button with header dropdowns dark issue
12-09-2019 – Update version 4.1.0
- ADDED: NEW FEATURE – Header category element – more categories button
- ADDED: NEW FEATURE – Display results from blog in search option
- ADDED: NEW ELEMENT – Size guide
- ADDED: Blog element order by list of IDs
- ADDED: Single project custom header option
- ADDED: Project title in page heading option
- ADDED: Notices color options
- ADDED: Additional CSS generator options
- ADDED: Advanced noCaptcha & invisible Captcha (v2 & v3) plugin compatibility
- FIXED: Single product image zoom
- FIXED: Hotspot element product rating
- FIXED: Instagram API (read instruction)
- FIXED: Wishlist unnecessary product issue
- FIXED: Brands title image on single product
- FIXED: Additional variation images on single product
- FIXED: WPB CSS generator font issue
- FIXED: Google map controls in frontend editor
- FIXED: Instagram double query issue
- FIXED: Product more description button after AJAX issue
- FIXED: AJAX search with category select
- FIXED: Product video popup close button
- FIXED: Google map issue
- FIXED: Product loop swatches underline
- FIXED: Attribute order in compare
- FIXED: PHP errors in sticky toolbar
- FIXED: Single product accordion IPad issue
- FIXED: Layered nav widget cache issue
- FIXED: Post page meta
- FIXED: Safari browser login sidebar problem
- FIXED: Size guide select for single product
- FIXED: Quick view problem on single product
- FIXED: SKU in search results
- FIXED: A lot of CSS issues
- FIXED: PHP Errors
- UPDATED: Revolution Slider plugin 6.1.1
- UPDATED: WPML config file
- UPDATED: Woodmart Core plugin 1.0.20
- UPDATED: Translations POT files
21-08-2019 – Update version 4.0.4
- ADDED: NEW FEATURE – WPBakery CSS generator
- ADDED: Product filters category “Category order” option
- ADDED: Google font “Krub”
- ADDED: Getting pictures from Instagram with API
- ADDED: Show SKU on AJAX results option
- ADDED: Header builder link to admin bar
- ADDED: Light Font Awesome CSS version option
- ADDED: Light Bootstrap CSS version option
- ADDED: Disable Gutenberg styles option
- ADDED: Use Relevanssi for AJAX search option
- IMPROVED: Extended CSS generator options by 40%
- IMPROVED: Main style.css file reduced by 1500 lines
- IMPROVED: СSS for product hovers
- IMPROVED: CSS for header elements
- IMPROVED: CSS for single product tool buttons
- FIXED: Compare page on IE 11
- FIXED: Theme settings on Safari
- FIXED: Bootstrap classes on product grid
- FIXED: YITH Add to quote double button on single product
- FIXED: Lazy loading error 404 with base64 option
- FIXED: Single product tabs with comment pagination issue
- FIXED: Product element autocomplete
- FIXED: My account issue with disabled tabs
- FIXED: Clear all filters button with price filter widget
- FIXED: Wishlist translations
- FIXED: Wishlist title in sidebar navigation
- FIXED: Instagram added ”/” to link
- FIXED: Share label on wishlist
- FIXED: Empty cart message issue
- FIXED: HTML block max count in menu select
- FIXED: Compare page product count
- FIXED: Countdown timer for variable product added cache
- FIXED: Shop page breaks after PJAX with some server and PHP settings
- FIXED: Wishlist button on quick view
- FIXED: Loader on Compare page
- FIXED: A lot of CSS issues
- FIXED: PHP Errors
- REMOVED: Styles for YITH Compare and Wishlist, WCFM Marketplace. You still can enable them in CSS generator.
- UPDATED: Revolution Slider plugin 6.1.1
- UPDATED: Woodmart Core plugin 1.0.19
- UPDATED: Translations POT files
13-08-2019 – Update version 4.0.3
- FIXED: WPBakery Frontend save with metaboxes
- FIXED: Theme settings not working with Redux Framework
- FIXED: Odnoklassniki share button
- FIXED: Wishlist product loop button after AJAX
- FIXED: IE11 issue
- FIXED: Theme settings not save with WP Mail Logging plugin
08-08-2019 – Update version 4.0.2
- FIXED: WPML with Compare and Wishlist
- FIXED: WPML theme settings translations
- FIXED: Wishlist translations
- FIXED: Product swatches issue
- FIXED: Single product tabs issue
- FIXED: Empty wishlist page issue
- FIXED: PHP notices
07-08-2019 – Update version 4.0.1
- FIXED: Metaboxes checkbox saving issue
- FIXED: Select2 JS error
07-08-2019 – Update version 4.0.0
- FIXED: Google fonts bug
- FIXED: Custom CSS and JS options
11-07-2019 – Update version 3.8.2
- In this major update we have developed our own Theme Settings panel and now two heavy plugins can be uninstalled: Redux Framework and CMB2. Also, with our new built-in wishlist feature you can remove YITH Wishlist as well. Reducing the number of plugins on your website will lead to a better performance.
Please, read the MIGRATION INSTRUCTION before the update.- ADDED: NEW VERSION – Sweets bakery
- ADDED: NEW FEATURE – WoodMart Wishlist
- ADDED: Header banner shortcode translation to WPML
- ADDED: Compare button to sticky add to cart
- ADDED: Remove duplicate price for variable product option
- ADDED: New section divider
- ADDED: Google map lazy loading option
- ADDED: Font display option for icons fonts
- ADDED: Font display option for Google fonts
- ADDED: Disable Font Awesome option
- IMPROVED: Shop page loader
- IMPROVED: AJAX search now starting from third symbol
- IMPROVED: Stripe plugin checkout and my account styles
- IMPROVED: style.css file size reduced by 10%
- REMOVED: Redux Framework plugin
- REMOVED: CMB2 plugin
- REMOVED: YITH Wishlist plugin
- FIXED: AJAX filters on single product page issue
- FIXED: Quantity input issue
- FIXED: PHP Notice in breadcrumb
- FIXED: PayPal express checkout in mini cart
- FIXED: Instagram url now with WWW
- FIXED: Login and Register form redirect
- FIXED: Product autocomplete for hotspot, categories and product widget
- FIXED: Compare brand image with lazy-loading
- FIXED: AJAX Shop option
- FIXED: Sticky toolbar lazy load
- FIXED: Sticky toolbar translate
- FIXED: Hotspot content click problem
- FIXED: Hotspot short description text problem
- FIXED: Product accordion tabs issue in Chrome browser
- FIXED: CSS generator marketplace plugins issue
- FIXED: Compare button on product grid translation
- FIXED: Dummy content promo popup content appearance
- FIXED: PHP Errors
- UPDATED: Revolution Slider plugin 6.0.9
- UPDATED: WPBakery Page Builder plugin 6.0.5
- UPDATED: Translations POT files
11-06-2019 – Update version 3.8.1
- FIXED: Import issue
- FIXED: Variation gallery JS error
- FIXED: Sticky navbar account element issue
- UPDATED: Revolution Slider plugin 6.0.2
09-06-2019 – Update version 3.8
- FIXED: Sidebar offcanvas opener
- FIXED: Carousel per page option
- FIXED: Single product stretched brand image
06-05-2019 – Update version 3.7
- ADDED: NEW VERSION – Alternative energy
- ADDED: Custom buttons to sticky navbar
- ADDED: Lazy loading offset option
- ADDED: Hide cart widget automatically after add to cart action
- ADDED: Additional variation images on Quick view
- ADDED: Cache functionality for Twitter elements
- ADDED: AJAX Product tabs titles alignment option
- FIXED: Size guide empty meta data
- FIXED: Total stock quantity empty meta data
- FIXED: Dynamic css with advanced typography
- FIXED: Offcanvas sticky button
- FIXED: Cart widget product name
- FIXED: Portfolio grid title tag
- FIXED: Waypoint JS error
- FIXED: WPBakery animation issue
- FIXED: Lazy load for brand element
- FIXED: Advanced typography with menu selectors issue
- FIXED: Back to products button on single product page
- FIXED: Product filters form submit issue
- FIXED: Zoom on single product page gallery
- FIXED: Scroll to top after swatch select glich
- FIXED: Portfolio filters with lazy loading
- FIXED: woodmart_sticky_sidebar_button function cache issue
- FIXED: Product attributes extra option saving issue
- UPDATED: WPBakery Page Builder plugin 6.0.3
- UPDATED: Woodmart Core plugin 1.0.18
28-03-2019 – Update version 3.6.1
- ADDED: Alternative social login buttons style
- ADDED: Product attributes thumbnail preview in dashboard
- ADDED: Top Rated Products filter to product element
- ADDED: WooCommerce Multivendor Marketplace plugin compatibility
- ADDED: Option to change browser color on Android
- ADDED: Support WooCommerce 3.6 meta lookup table
- ADDED: Option to change login and register title on my account page
- ADDED: New product review star rating style
- FIXED: Banner with mobile carousel disabled
- FIXED: Categories widget in IE11
- FIXED: Product review avatar in Firefox
- FIXED: Header boxed padding
- FIXED: Login and register text
- FIXED: Widget layered nav filters title
- FIXED: Size guide issue
- FIXED: Broken link after AJAX
- FIXED: Google Map init
- FIXED: Image hotspot issue
- FIXED: Row divider overlap option
- FIXED: WPML Empty compare text
- FIXED: Brand image on single product attributes
- FIXED: PHP notice in shop view buttons
- FIXED: Sticky navbar offcanvas button
- FIXED: Product popup issue
- REMOVED: Google+ link from Team members element
- UPDATED: Revolution Slider plugin
- UPDATED: Woodmart Core plugin 1.0.17
25-03-2019 – Update version 3.6
- FIXED: Navbar cart item with dropdown cart widget
- FIXED: WOODMART WooCommerce Layered Nav widget issues
- FIXED: AJAX add to cart on single product
27-02-2019 – Update version 3.5.2
- ADDED: NEW FEATURE – Mobile bottom navbar
- ADDED: NEW FEATURE – Collapse footer widgets on mobile
- ADDED: Boxed layout without overflow hidden
- ADDED: Option to disable sticky notifications
- ADDED: Shadow option to row in header builder
- ADDED: Category option to WOODMART WooCommerce Layered Nav widget
- ADDED: Scroll top on variation select option for desktop and mobile
- ADDED: LinkedIn share button
- FIXED: Woodmart Core plugin message
- FIXED: Brands links for archives
- FIXED: Header builder PHP notice
- FIXED: Images gallery element PHP error
- FIXED: WPBakery Page Builder carousel PHP notice
- FIXED: Slider sliding speed filter
- FIXED: JS error with scroll to comments
- FIXED: PHP notice in lazy load function
- FIXED: Missed default favicon retina image
- FIXED: Boxed header on IE 11
- UPDATED: Woodmart Core plugin 1.0.16
- UPDATED: Translations POT files
- REMOVED: Google+ share and social link
- UPDATED: Revolution Slider plugin
22-02-2019 – Update version 3.5.1
- FIXED: Code problems according to new Envato coding requirements
20-02-2019 – Update version 3.5
- ADDED: WooCommerce 3.5.5 compatibility
- FIXED: Parallax scroll options
- UPDATED: Woodmart Core plugin 1.0.15
- ADDED: Sticky header hide on scroll down option
- ADDED: Search form on mobile header
- ADDED: Allow SVG uploads option
- ADDED: Boxed option for header overlap
- ADDED: Categories element autoplay option
- ADDED: Disable background option for row, columns, section
- ADDED: Show empty ranges to price filter widget
- ADDED: Related products 5 columns
- ADDED: Recommended plugin Safe SVG
- ADDED: Krub font
- ADDED: Single product sold out label
- ADDED: Images gallery align options
- ADDED: Attribute nofollow to social buttons
- FIXED: Underline form style arrow fix
- FIXED: iOS product reviews section layout
- FIXED: MailChimp notice in popup
- FIXED: Product categories widget counter position
- FIXED: Register link action
- FIXED: CSS generator icons not found
- FIXED: Whatsapp share link
- FIXED: Lazy loading with Dokan dashboard
- FIXED: Overlap custom header on single product
- FIXED: Theme settings link if user not admin
- FIXED: Products element with WPML transalated products
- FIXED: Search categories title attribute issue
- FIXED: Variation gallery error
- FIXED: Instagram error
- FIXED: Lazy loading image attribute conflict
- FIXED: Promo Banner element link issue
- FIXED: Swatches image replace issue
- FIXED: Select2 in Layered navigation widget
- FIXED: PHP warnings
- UPDATED: Woodmart Core plugin 1.0.14
- UPDATED: WPBakery Page Builder plugin 5.7
- UPDATED: Translations POT files
16-01-2018 – Update version 3.4
30-11-2018 – Update version 3.3
- ADDED: NEW VERSION – Base light
- ADDED: Compare empty page text option
- ADDED: CSS Generator tooltips
- ADDED: Recent post widget categories option
- ADDED: Product grid swatches cache
- ADDED: Promo Banner element title tag and font option
- ADDED: Infobox element title tag and font option
- ADDED: WooCommerce 3.5.2 compatibility
- ADDED: Checkmark icon after adding product to compare
- ADDED: Loader after removing product form compare list
- ADDED: New style of empty compare list
- ADDED: Compare menu item in mobile menu
- ADDED: Compare widget to header clone
- FIXED: Row with animation on Safari browser
- FIXED: Current page call to action menu item
- FIXED: Countdown timer on RTL language
- FIXED: Compare empty fields
- FIXED: WC Marketplace dashboard styles
- FIXED: Out of stock variables visibility issue
- FIXED: Promo Banner element double open link issue
- FIXED: Images gallery zoom image size
- FIXED: Header builder account element username display issue
- FIXED: Categories with masonry and lazy loading options height issue
- FIXED: Additional variation gallery not saving images issue
- FIXED: Additional variation gallery with quick view issue
- FIXED: Progress bar issue with numbers
- FIXED: SVG with gradient issue
- FIXED: Mobile Firefox issue with variable product label
- FIXED: WooCommerce email images with Lazy loading
- FIXED: Templates library import on frontend editor
- FIXED: Compare count with multisite
- FIXED: A lot of CSS issues
- FIXED: PHP warnings
- FIXED: JS console errors
- UPDATED: Woodmart Core plugin 1.0.13
- UPDATED: Translations POT files
09-11-2018 – Update version 3.2
- ADDED: NEW VERSION – Landing gadget
- ADDED: NEW FEATURE – WoodMart Compare (Plugin is no longer required)
- ADDED: NEW FEATURE – Disable OWL Carousel script on mobile devices
- ADDED: NEW FEATURE – Product title limit
- ADDED: Compare icon to Header builder
- ADDED: Attribute nofollow to price filter
- ADDED: One page menu navigation works with row and section
- FIXED: Issue if all header rows is sticky
- FIXED: WP Import PHP error
- FIXED: Mobile search button clone to desktop sticky header
- FIXED: Undefined title on product images
- FIXED: JS error if AJAX shop disable
- FIXED: Additional variation gallery with carousel autoheight issue
- FIXED: A lot of CSS issues
- FIXED: PHP warnings
- UPDATED: WPBakery Page Builder plugin 5.6.0
- UPDATED: Translations POT files
24-10-2018 – Update version 3.1.1
- ADDED: NEW VERSION – Black friday
- ADDED: NEW FEATURE – Additional variation gallery for products
- ADDED: NEW FEATURE – Product stock progress bar
- ADDED: Woodmart Slider background image for tablet and mobile option
- ADDED: Product bordered style option
- ADDED: Countdown for variable product option
- ADDED: WooCommerce orderby select with AJAX
- ADDED: 5 columns to Portfolio option
- ADDED: Reset margin option on mobile and tablet for WPBakery column
- ADDED: WooCommerce 3.5.1 compatibility
- FIXED: Dynamic CSS with SSL
- FIXED: CSS Generator version issue
- FIXED: YITH Woocommerce Compare Premium issue
- FIXED: A lot of CSS issues
- FIXED: PHP warnings
- UPDATED: Translations POT files
18-10-2018 – Update version 3.1
- FIXED: Variation image blurred with WooCommerce 3.5