FIXED: Media modal in UX Builder did not work when Polylang was installed.
FIXED: Masonry & grid layout getting stuck in builder preview.
--- 3.8.0 (21.02.19) ---
NEW: Builder undo and redo changes.
NEW: Builder improved loading time & stability.
NEW: Builder class option on all elements.
NEW: Builder visibility option on all elements.
NEW: Builder scroll when dragging elements.
NEW: Custom product page next/prev element.
NEW: Multiple category selection in product elements.
NEW: Afterpay Int. and Vipps payment icon.
FIXED: Outdated WooCommerce 3.5.5 files.
FIXED: Portfolio element overlapping images in some cases.
FIXED: Duplicated social login buttons when Nextend Pro is activated.
FIXED: Incorrect account menu item when no wishlist page is selected.
FIXED: WooCommerce Subscriptions: Duplicated selection on cart table.
FIXED: Recommended plugin notice with YITH Wishlist Premium.
FIXED: Slider display issue in first auto open accordion.
FIXED: Slider display issue in lightbox.
FIXED: Favicon not rendering in some cases.
FIXED: Alt tags on product gallery thumbnails.
FIXED: Indentation on vertical tabs inside a column.
FIXED: PHP error on import.
TWEAK: Improved plugin scripts disrupting the builder.
TWEAK: Enabled page background image for full-width layout.
TWEAK: Maps not working when API key is pasted with extra space.
TWEAK: Improved live refresh on multiple settings.
TWEAK: Improved WP 5.1 compatibility.
TWEAK: Improved builder styling.
DEV: Product gallery thumbnails now use woocommerce_gallery_{size} hooks.
Note: Third-party plugins which add custom code in the builder must have
ux-builder-core as a dependency.
TWEAK: Improved WP 5.0 compatibility!
FIXED: Outdated WooCommerce 3.5.2 files.
FIXED: Product gallery slider variation image height sizing.
FIXED: Gallery: Partial option reset in builder when updating gallery.
FIXED: Structured product data for custom product page.
FIXED: Edit block from frontend on shop page.
FIXED: Child theme style.css query version.
FIXED: Product review styling.
FIXED: Bullet list position in RTL.
FIXED: Quick view: Slider next/prev arrow position in RTL.
FIXED: WC Add-Ons plugin 'undefined' product title.
FIXED: Updated Spanish language file.
TWEAK: Improvement on social login with security plugin combination.
TWEAK: Google maps script now only registers when API field is not empty.
TWEAK: "Blocks" are renamed to "UX Blocks".
--- 3.7.1 (01.11.18) ---
FIXED: Outdated WooCommerce 3.5.1 files.
FIXED: Various CSS errors with new sticky add to cart.
FIXED: Vertical tab content padding in RTL.
FIXED: Backward compatibility for deprecated get_flatsome_breadcrumbs().
--- 3.7.0 (25.10.18) ---
NEW: WooCommerce 3.5 compatibility.
NEW: Catalog box items height equalizer.
NEW: Improved shipping options design.
NEW: Sticky add to cart option.
NEW: YOAST breadcrumbs integration.
NEW: YOAST primary category integration.
NEW: UX Builder edit button in Gutenberg.
NEW: Relation input field on element links.
NEW: Input fields to add scripts inside the body tag.
NEW: Save as Private in UX Builder.
NEW: Boxed shipping labels style option.
NEW: Option to show/hide shipping estimate.
NEW: Option to show user display name in header instead of 'My Account'.
NEW: Option to change back to top button shape.
NEW: Option to change back to top button alignment.
NEW: Option to show back to top on mobile.
NEW: Option to show/hide share icons in portfolio.
FIXED: Search submit button outside search field (flat style) in RTL.
FIXED: Posts selection per language in builder with WPML.
FIXED: Active menu item for categories and portfolio.
FIXED: Depth hover for single grid items.
FIXED: Builder duplicated link input field in Team Members.
FIXED: Multi select layered nav styling for filter widget.
FIXED: Duplicated '(optional)' on checkout field with floating labels.
FIXED: Blog posts and portfolio shortcode slider to row conversion.
FIXED: Related products on single product page slider to row conversion.
FIXED: Blog posts shortcode category upgrade compatibility (when coming from v2).
FIXED: Scroll To: Issue where navigation on page load triggered multiple times.
FIXED: Jetpack lazy load intervening with single product main gallery.
FIXED: Blog posts element Read More color setting.
FIXED: Text editor main colors selection.
FIXED: Various CSS improvements.
TWEAK: Quick view: Stopped redirect to product page when adding to cart.
TWEAK: Quick view: Removed lonely paging dot on slider when only one image is available.
TWEAK: Floating labels required fields improvements.
TWEAK: Decreased size of product images in widgets.
TWEAK: Improved description and live refresh on multiple settings.
FIXED: Outdated WooCommerce 3.4.4 files.
FIXED: Mobile off-canvas sidebar did not work on product stacked layout.
FIXED: Double upsells in full height templates if in sidebar.
FIXED: Text align right for star rating on product summary.
FIXED: Singular 'product' output in for categories element with only one product.
FIXED: Scroll To: double # when value was added with # as link.
FIXED: Corrected add to cart button positioning in overlay/shade style.
FIXED: Arrow in select dropdown fields for FireFox.
FIXED: Live search category dropdown resizing.
FIXED: PHP warning 'Illegal string offset'.
FIXED: Title element: link position in RTL.
FIXED: Improved few translations.
TWEAK: Login popup now acts as link on all account pages.
TWEAK: Infinite Scroll history can now be disabled by action filter.
TWEAK: Improved WPML configuration.
--- 3.6.1 --- (15.07.18)
FIXED: Scroll to position when height changes in the page occur.
FIXED: Accordion scroll position after opening section on mobile devices.
FIXED: JS error: Flatsome is not defined, in some cases on auto cart refresh.
FIXED: Disable featured image on single posts removed image on listings also.
FIXED: Sidebar category filter revealed itself on the page after opening.
FIXED: Portfolio element: text background color did not affect live site.
FIXED: Portfolio: tag archive did not render its posts.
FIXED: Padding on text within elements when only depth on hover was added.
FIXED: Grid: mispositioned image when link was added.
FIXED: Improved backward WC compatibility for Update Cart.
FIXED: Live search with older PHP versions.
FIXED: Updated Klarna payment icon.
TWEAK: Infinite Scroll improvement with other plugins.
NEW: Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.4 (GDPR ready)
NEW: Create 404 layout with a custom block in UX Builder.
NEW: Include/exclude out of stock products in product element.
NEW: Single product review count display options.
NEW: Option to automatically update cart.
NEW: Product tag search option for live search.
NEW: Product order by option for live search.
NEW: Instagram hashtag support.
NEW: Option to choose title H-tag in title element.
NEW: Option to enable/disable blog featured image on single posts.
NEW: Option to choose blog excerpt suffix (in new section Blog Global).
NEW: Option to show date stamp on thumbnails in recent posts widget.
NEW: Option to select style for post and page search results page.
NEW: Option to choose Instagram overlay color and density.
NEW: Option to move store notice to the top.
NEW: Style option 'none' (hides all text) in various elements.
NEW: Infinite Scroll page history.
FIXED: Better compatibility with WC Composites plugin (Quantity buttons).
FIXED: Content not revealing in builder when an animation was set for col inner.
FIXED: Blog posts title align option did not apply on multiple posts layout.
FIXED: Blog posts element: Total posts option outputted more than 8 posts when set to 8.
FIXED: Dash from blog name & description rendered out if one of both was empty.
FIXED: Content color and background color did not reflect on maintenance page.
FIXED: Duplicated star ratings on custom products page (when it has multiple review forms).
FIXED: Framed layout shadow went outside of the frame.
FIXED: Grid 'Normal' spacing resulted in small spacing on live site.
FIXED: Lightbox auto-open JS error when WooCommerce was disabled.
FIXED: Breadcrumb 'Home' on portfolio could not be translated.
FIXED: Builder frame movement/jumping on Chrome v66.
FIXED: Product Gallery slider RTL bug.
FIXED: Slider element: fade style RTL bug.
FIXED: Floating label checkout RTL alignment.
FIXED: Mute on section video background.
FIXED: Pages element responsive column setting.
FIXED: Various CSS improvements.
FIXED: Fixed responsive layout for most Flatsome Studio blocks.
TWEAK: Option to have different layouts on cart and checkout
TWEAK: Footer options per page now also reflects on the Footer replacement block.
TWEAK: Improved slider arrow clickable area (simple and circle style).
TWEAK: Review tab will now appear as last tab by default.
TWEAK: Merged Checkout options into the new WooCommerce Checkout customizer.
TWEAK: Extra check to prevent front-end block edit tooltip showing (logged in user caching).
TWEAK: Infinite Scroll auto stack and better content reveal placement.
DEV: Added hook 'flatsome_custom_product_single_product_hooks' to add own custom hooks.
--- 3.5.3 --- (15.03.18)
FIXED: Instagram has returned invalid data (due Instagram API change).
FIXED: Equal image height setting did not render images when its height was untouched.
FIXED: Share shortcode now properly links the shop if used on this page.
FIXED: Duplicated result in search if product title contains the SKU.
FIXED: Portfolio related posts were displaying posts from all categories.
FIXED: Query Monitor missing style notices.
FIXED: PHP error on double child theme install.
TWEAK: Ubermenu integration will now use mobile menu if assigned so.
--- 3.5.2 --- (26.02.18)
FIXED: Outdated WooCommerce 3.3.3 files.
FIXED: Better compatibility with new WooCommerce 3.3+ image sizes.
FIXED: Infinite Scroll - did not render images in some cases (Safari).
FIXED: Disabling guest checkout hided create account field.
FIXED: Floating labels were not visible dark mode.
FIXED: WP-CLI profiler not been able to profile.
FIXED: Cart style 'link only' setting now reflects on mobile.
FIXED: PHP notice for plugin recommendation.
FIXED: PHP notice on uncropped thumbnail images with lazy loading.
FIXED: Live refresh of navigation and alt font setting in customizer did not work.
Change: Moved "Shop" panel into the new "WooCommerce" customizer panel
Change: Removed "Regenerate Thumbnails" from included plugins. WooCommerce 3.3+ has built-in support for image regeneration.
Change: Removed "Nextend Google Connect" from included plugins. We now only include "Nextend Social Login".
Code:FIXED: Account signup field on Checkout was hidden. FIXED: Category images lazy loading for new WC 3.3 settings. FIXED: Hidden labels when floating labels was enabled for some plugins. FIXED: Sticky checkout sidebar glitches.