--- 3.15.3 (15.01.22) ---
NEW: WooCommerce 6.1 compatibility.
ENHANCEMENT: Auto height for custom-sized vertical menu dropdowns.
FIXED: Open correct image in galleries.
FIXED: Open correct video with multiple video buttons.
FIXED: Toggle accordions when clicking on arrow.
FIXED: Site logo src=(unknown) if logo was not used pre 3.15.
FIXED: Product gallery thumbnail slider arrows for 5 thumbs.
FIXED: Swatches cache when an attribute is updated.
FIXED: Various RTL improvements.
--- 3.15.2 (21.12.21) ---
FIXED: Script file naming compatibility on some servers.
FIXED: Yoast integration options did not show (due to Yoast codebase changes).
FIXED: Slider with parallax enabled.
FIXED: Sidebar sub menu toggle.
FIXED: Page loader logo size.
ENHANCEMENT: Improved WP Rocket compatibility.
Note: Please remember to clear all cache and minification after updating.
--- 3.15.1 (17.12.21) ---
FIXED: Banner responsive values.
FIXED: Use the correct logo URL.
FIXED: Lightbox auto open.
FIXED: Lightbox gallery (combined page gallery).
FIXED: Logo size on simple and focused checkout style.
ENHANCEMENT: Prevent hotspot opening quick view in builder.
--- 3.15 (16.12.21) ---
NEW: Core JavaScript file is now only 56kb (16kb gzipped).
NEW: WooCommerce 6.0 compatibility.
NEW: Header vertical menu element.
NEW: Shape dividers (SVG graphic shapes).
NEW: Improved JS performance (lazy load reduced core modules).
NEW: Header vertical menu enable/disable icon option.
NEW: Header vertical menu height & width.
NEW: Header vertical menu tagline & text options.
NEW: Header vertical menu color & bg color options.
NEW: Header vertical menu fly-out keep open option.
NEW: Header vertical menu fly-out shadow option.
NEW: Header vertical menu fly-out color & bg color options.
NEW: Custom logo link option.
NEW: Sidebar top content option.
NEW: Sidebar tabs option.
NEW: Sidebar tabs text option.
NEW: Builder: Open tabs on hover option.
NEW: Builder: Shape divider color.
NEW: Builder: Shape divider height & width.
NEW: Builder: Shape divider flip option.
NEW: Builder: Shape divider to-front option.
NEW: Paysera and Revolut payment icon.
ENHANCEMENT: Added layout ID and scope classes to custom product page wrapper.
ENHANCEMENT: Set correct alpha for header background color.
ENHANCEMENT: Checkmark swatches in widget items on hover.
ENHANCEMENT: Builder: Hardened security.
ENHANCEMENT: Various CSS improvements.
FIXED: Builder: Render empty paragraphs.
FIXED: Builder: Initial value for conditional options.
FIXED: Open UX Builder correctly on wordpress.com.
FIXED: Set correct site logo width and height attributes.
FIXED: Navigation dropdown display under active menu item.
FIXED: Products: Ensure visibility for custom ID's on other styles than the default.
FIXED: Builder: Custom product reviews selection and sorting in hierarchy panel when empty.
FIXED: Container and full-width dropdown position on the very last menu item on the right.
FIXED: Sticky add to cart is now default disabled on composite product types.
FIXED: Container width dropdown when the main header is hidden when sticky.
FIXED: WooCommerce account page before and after navigation hooks.
FIXED: Terms and conditions lightbox content formatting.
FIXED: Customizer color picker palette styling in RTL.
FIXED: Products: PHP notice on an non existing tag.
FIXED: Various CSS improvements.
DEV: Added woocommerce_gallery_image_html_attachment_image_params filter.
DEV: Added flatsome_show_block_edit_tooltip filter.
DEV: Added flatsome_swatches_box_attribute filter.
DEV: Added flatsome_before_sidebar_menu action.
DEV: Added flatsome_before_sidebar_menu_elements action.
DEV: Added flatsome_after_sidebar_menu_elements action.
DEV: Added flatsome_after_sidebar_menu action.
DEV: Updated Angular.
Note: Minimum required WooCommerce version 4.4.0.
--- 3.14.3 --- (08.09.21)
NEW: HTML element in UX Builder.
FIXED: Builder: Render paragraphs correctly for classic editor content.
FIXED: Thank you page content option didn't render shortcodes.
FIXED: Scroll to on mobile navigated incorrectly in some cases.
FIXED: Infinite scroll on masonry catalog layout.
ENHANCEMENT: Improved swatch compatibility for multiple woocommerce extension plugins.
ENHANCEMENT: Builder: Check post existence before going into edit mode.
ENHANCEMENT: Shop sticky sidebar height when infinite scroll items are appended.
ENHANCEMENT: Improved WPML configuration.
REVERT: Builder does not wrap text element content with paragraph anymore. (Use the new HTML element for raw content instead)
--- 3.14.2 --- (22.07.21)
FIXED: Product categories element displayed sub categories.
FIXED: PHP notice product categories variable may not support offset operations.
FIXED: PHP error on a new product previewed in draft mode.
FIXED: Swatches admin image preview sizing.
FIXED: Various CSS improvements.
--- 3.14.1 --- (14.07.21)
FIXED: PHP issue with http_headers_useragent pre WP 5.1 3th party filter usage.
FIXED: Swatches incorrectly disabled in some cases.
ENHANCEMENT: Improved swatch caching.
--- 3.14.0 --- (13.07.21)
NEW: Product variation swatches.
NEW: UX Themes License manager.
NEW: WordPress 5.8 compatibility.
NEW: WooCommerce 5.5 compatibility.
NEW: Live search latency option.
NEW: Automatic New badge for products newer then x days.
NEW: Automatic New badge color option.
NEW: Infinitive option for all slide style elements.
NEW: Accordion collapsed product tab style.
NEW: Custom product stacked gallery style.
NEW: Builder: Sticky column option.
NEW: Swatches/attribute: Types (color, image, label).
NEW: Swatches/attribute: Size options.
NEW: Swatches/attribute: Shape options.
NEW: Swatches/attribute: Use variation image.
NEW: Swatches/product: Layout options.
NEW: Swatches/product: Tooltip option.
NEW: Swatches/product: Color selected option.
NEW: Swatches/shop: Show attribute variant swatches.
NEW: Swatches/shop: Layout options.
NEW: Swatches/shop: Size options.
NEW: Swatches/shop: Shape options.
NEW: Swatches/shop: Select event option (desktop).
NEW: Swatches/shop: Color selected option.
NEW: Swatches/shop: Selected swatch behavior option.
NEW: Swatches/shop: Update urls option.
NEW: Swatches/shop: Auto reset selection options.
NEW: Register: Lightbox panel layout options (left/right).
NEW: Register: Lightbox side panel custom UX Block.
NEW: Register: Lightbox side panel bg color option.
NEW: Register: Lightbox side panel bg image option.
NEW: Register: Lightbox side panel bg overlay option.
NEW: Google font-display 'auto' option.
NEW: Telegram share/follow icon.
NEW: Twitch follow icon.
NEW: Discord follow icon.
NEW: Updated Google Fonts list.
ENHANCEMENT: Auto open mini cart refactored to work on all add to cart buttons.
ENHANCEMENT: Improved accordion item toggle arrow position when opened.
ENHANCEMENT: Sale label and percentage formatting options can now contain HTML.
ENHANCEMENT: Improved variation summarize details in mini cart, cart and checkout.
ENHANCEMENT: Portfolio: Distinguish tag and category names from WordPress once.
ENHANCEMENT: Builder: Text font and line option with smaller increments.
ENHANCEMENT: Builder: Custom product element thumbnails.
ENHANCEMENT: Improved accessibility on various elements.
ENHANCEMENT: Flatsome icon font versioning.
ENHANCEMENT: Optimized content processing.
ENHANCEMENT: Improved CLS on sliders.
FIXED: Possible undefined variable in tabs element.
FIXED: Placement of wp_footer output on maintenance template.
FIXED: Accordion: Slider incorrect rendered in some cases.
FIXED: Body was scrollable when lightbox or off-canvas was opened.
FIXED: Single product review link did not navigate on accordion tab style.
FIXED: Custom product gallery style could not be chosen if global template was stacked gallery.
FIXED: Custom sale label text was not used as fallback with percentage option enabled.
FIXED: WooCommerce Setup Wizard button link displayed at the end of the Flatsome Setup Wizard.
FIXED: Wishlist button now only gets 'added' class to items that are actually in the wishlist.
FIXED: Shop filter not available on mobile search results page with custom Shop Page Content.
FIXED: Portfolio: Filter problem with the categories that may contain the same string.
FIXED: Product categories element did not show cats on PHP 8 if no Ids specified.
FIXED: Portfolio: Thumbnails missing on portfolio admin thumbnail column.
FIXED: UX Block edit link displayed on a deleted block reference.
FIXED: Maps: Incorrect height value in mobile devices.
FIXED: Slider: Missing closing bracket of embedded css.
FIXED: Menu item options confirmation after saving.
FIXED: Infinite scroll window title update.
FIXED: Various CSS improvements.
CHANGED: Builder does not wrap text element content with paragraph anymore.
CHANGED: Login style setting moved to Header → Account.
CHANGED: Register Flatsome with a purchase code.
DEV: Hook priority flatsome_add_icons_css changed from 10 → 150.
DEV: Added new flatsome_product_attribute_term_fields action.
DEV: Added new flatsome_new_flash_html filter.
DEV: Added new flatsome_swatch_html filter.
DEV: Added new flatsome_swatch_image_size filter.
DEV: Added new flatsome_swatches_cache_time filter.
DEV: Removed 'Inc' in namespaces.
Note: Minimum required WooCommerce version 4.0.0.
--- 3.13.3 --- (30.03.21)
FIXED: ContactForm7 progress spinner.
FIXED: Team Members: Displayed follow icons by default.
FIXED: Page Header: Background color for featured and normal style.
FIXED: Live search not yielding results for post/pages if its option and WC both are deactivated.
FIXED: Slider responsive margin.
FIXED: Builder: PHP 8 error in some cases.
FIXED: Builder: PHP warning 'Trying to get property 'post_type' of non-object' due WC on boarding task.
ENHANCEMENT: Author bio can now contain HTML.
ENHANCEMENT: Improved browser back button cache support.
DEV: Added new flatsome_author_bio_avatar_size filter.
--- 3.13.2 (25.02.21) ---
NEW: Option to disable sale badge in catalog mode.
NEW: Slovenian translation added.
FIXED: Builder: Post multi select sorting.
FIXED: Builder: Reveal options on custom post Ids clearance.
FIXED: Builder: Gutenberg HTML blocks now show up as WP content blocks.
FIXED: Builder: Image placeholder position when added in mobile/tablet mode.
FIXED: Plugin integrated breadcrumbs did not show when WooCommerce not active.
FIXED: Portfolio filter stayed visible despite visibility option selection.
FIXED: Share links on shop and blog archive pages.
FIXED: Text box element parent styling issues.
FIXED: Wishlist whatsapp share (mobile).
FIXED: Cross-sells column amount filtering.
FIXED: Sticky header on tablet/mobile when admin bar is hidden.
FIXED: Google map not rendering sometimes on FF & Safari.
FIXED: Slider not properly shown on custom dropdowns.
FIXED: Some menu item options did not save in some cases.
FIXED: Corrected WooCommerce address translation string.
FIXED: WP-CLI profiler outputted HTML in some cases.
FIXED: Divider left alignment in image box.
FIXED: Builder: PHP error on PHP 7.0.x.
FIXED: Various CSS improvements.
FIXED: Various PHP notices.
ENHANCEMENT: Follow element now shows global follow links if non is individually set by default.
ENHANCEMENT: Equal image heights setting now also affects upsells and related products.
ENHANCEMENT: Improved Flatsome Studio loading performance.
ENHANCEMENT: Improved support for decimal product quantities.
ENHANCEMENT: Improved WPML configuration.
DEV: Added new flatsome_header_account_username filter.
DEV: Added new flatsome_sale_bubble_percentage_cache_enabled filter.
--- 3.13.1 (16.12.20) ---
NEW: PHP 8 support.
FIXED: Menu element active link.
FIXED: Menu element dark divider color.
FIXED: Sticky header when top bar is enabled.
FIXED: Custom menu item class did not output when an icon was selected.
FIXED: Builder option styling in latest FireFox.
FIXED: UX Builder edit button in Gutenberg.
FIXED: Various PHP notices.
ENHANCEMENT: Clarified register with token feedback messages.
ENHANCEMENT: Support jQuery 3.5 without migrate.
ENHANCEMENT: Increased max for layout width options.
ENHANCEMENT: Improved sticky header with WP admin bar.
ENHANCEMENT: Text element color option now colors direct child HTML tags.
--- 3.13.0 --- (26.11.20)
NEW: WordPress 5.6 compatibility.
NEW: WooCommerce 4.8.0 compatibility.
NEW: Mega Menus - Create fully customizable dropdowns with UX Builder.
NEW: Menu element for building custom dropdowns and footer links.
NEW: Templates for UX Builder - Save any element or page as reusable template.
NEW: Register/activate theme with token support.
NEW: Responsive styling for Text element.
NEW: Menu icons media picker or markup.
NEW: Menu dropdown design/size options (Full Width, Container).
NEW: Menu dropdown reveal option hover or click.
NEW: Nav dropdown shadow option.
NEW: Nav dropdown border option.
NEW: Background overlay on nav hover/click per header position.
NEW: Improved Instagram account connection flow.
NEW: Instagram clear cache button.
NEW: Gutenberg: builder placeholder block (previously plain HTML).
NEW: Column background radius option from row.
NEW: Top Bar navigation uppercase/lowercase option.
NEW: Top Bar navigation height option.
NEW: Header button bevel and gloss styles.
NEW: Beacon powered "Search Documentation" (on admin panels).
NEW: Venmo payment icon.
FIXED: Instagram hashtag requests & URL scheme.
FIXED: Customizer option framework version constant.
FIXED: Filter button on product tag pages with custom shop page content.
FIXED: Main header height defaults.
FIXED: Transparent header height defaults.
FIXED: Product video button link when pasted with extra space.
FIXED: Global button radius affected quantity button inner radius.
FIXED: woocommerce_template_loop_product_title filter did not take place.
FIXED: Incorrect nested tag in cart-shipping.php template.
FIXED: Builder: Arrows on number input on FF.
FIXED: Builder: Incorrect + button position on option change in some cases.
FIXED: Builder: Some element presets did not render correctly before applying.
FIXED: Main nav and nav hover color affected the bottom bar navs.
FIXED: Gallery: Multi gallery in tabs did not have numbering and navigation.
ENHANCEMENT: Improved loading speed of inline SVG's.
ENHANCEMENT: Improved accessibility on various elements.
ENHANCEMENT: Improved WPML configuration.
ENHANCEMENT: Improved support for uncommon theme directory names.
ENHANCEMENT: Increases maximum for navigation height setting.
ENHANCEMENT: Increases max/min for col margins.
ENHANCEMENT: Single variation listing now has sale bubble percentage value.
DEV: Added new 'flatsome_sticky_add_to_cart_enabled' filter.
DEV: Added the 'woocommerce_checkout_before_order_review_heading' filter.
DEV: Updated FB graph API to v8.0.
Note: Minimum required WooCommerce version 3.6.0.
Note: Mega Menu requires WP 5.4 or higher.
--- 3.12.3 --- (27.10.20)
FIXED: Instagram API change affecting images from certain posts.
--- 3.12.2 --- (14.08.20)
FIXED: Countdown background color.
FIXED: Older admin assets could remain in browser cache (Advanced Options).
FIXED: HTML not rendering in product title (reverted WC 4.4 template change).
--- 3.12.1 --- (11.08.20)
NEW: WordPress 5.5 compatibility.
NEW: WooCommerce 4.4 compatibility.
NEW: Updated Google Fonts list.
FIXED: Custom product layout, global overruled category in some cases.
FIXED: Off-canvas sidebar not scrollable with mobile slide menu activated.
FIXED: Countdown responsive size when large is default.
FIXED: Product Flip was only able to show max. 10 custom id's.
FIXED: Image column link showed on mobile menu with slide effect.
FIXED: Builder: Icon Box preview when changing icon position.
FIXED: Custom portfolio items 404 after certain plugin updates.
FIXED: Site Loader and 404 Block option not able to save in some cases.
FIXED: packery JS error in customizer preview in some cases.
FIXED: Wording of default cookie notice message.
FIXED: Cookies banner accept button href anchor.
FIXED: Cookies banner cookie duration.
ENHANCEMENT: Builder: Preserve open hierarchy items when leaving element options.
ENHANCEMENT: Builder: Scroll preview frame when dragging elements in side panel.
DEV: Added the 'woocommerce_product_upsells_products_heading' filter.
DEV: Updated customizer option framework.
Change: Cookie banner settings moved to new 'Notifications' section.
--- 3.12.0 (08.07.20) ---
NEW: WooCommerce 4.3 compatibility.
NEW: Custom product layout per category and product.
NEW: Stack element for UX Builder (Powered by Flexbox).
NEW: Slide effect for Off-canvas / Mobile Menu (Amazon style).
NEW: Sticky sidebar option for shop page.
NEW: Sticky sidebar option for blog page.
NEW: Responsive margin and padding for Columns.
NEW: Cookie banner (GDPR).
NEW: Rank Math breadcrumbs integration.
NEW: Rank Math primary category integration.
NEW: Portfolio archive sorting options.
NEW: Portfolio archive styling options.
NEW: Blog Posts element order & order by options.
NEW: Mobile Menu parent menu item behavior option.
NEW: Navigation color options for header top bar.
NEW: Builder: Close add element & text editor with esc key.
NEW: Single product related/upsells responsive product per row options.
NEW: Spanish (Argentina) translation added.
NEW: Updated Google Fonts list.
NEW: New catalog filter icon.
FIXED: Posts and shop pages header when the default template is light.
FIXED: Excerpt for posts (grid) after thumbnail size did not show.
FIXED: Instagram gallery posts now have an image.
FIXED: Portfolio page incorrect image height for 2:1 (Tall).
FIXED: PHP notice if product has only gallery items.
FIXED: PHP notice Undefined variable: declaration_str.
FIXED: Page Header responsive background overlay.
FIXED: Improved scrolling performance (Chrome).
FIXED: Improved image sizes in grid element.
FIXED: WP-CLI HTML output in maintenance mode.
FIXED: Various rendering issues on iOS 13.5.
FIXED: Various CSS and RTL improvements.
TWEAK: Disabled overflow x on body by default.
TWEAK: Quick View image reset when hidden by variation selection.
TWEAK: Improved output of media queries.
TWEAK: Improved layout option controls.
Change: Removed "WooSidebars" from included plugins.
DEV: New flatsome_product_block filter.
DEV: New flatsome_before_single_product_custom action.
--- 3.11.3 (26.04.20) ---
FIXED: Custom portfolio archive page title and template selection.
FIXED: Lightbox (auto open) placement when off canvas sidebar is open.
--- 3.11.2 (22.04.20) ---
FIXED: Terms in permalink separated by comma in some cases.
--- 3.11.1 (21.04.20) ---
Security release!
This release contains a fix to harden security, we encourage you to update your sites as soon as possible.
NEW: WooCommerce 4.1 compatibility.
FIXED: Improved security in UX Builder.
FIXED: Custom portfolio slug in site map.
FIXED: Wishlist button on infinite scroll items.
FIXED: Review pagination when having extra tabs.
FIXED: Account icon live refresh in mobile preview.
FIXED: Equalize items for cross-sells after cart update.
FIXED: Slider: banner background video playback if placed in row.
FIXED: Various CSS improvements.
TWEAK: Improved rating stars alignment.
TWEAK: Product thumbnail reset when hidden by variation selection.
UPDATED: Spanish translation (Posted on).
--- 3.11.0 (13.03.20) ---
NEW: WooCommerce 4.0 compatibility.
NEW: Added tons of new Google Fonts.
NEW: My Account title color, align, background options.
NEW: Option to disable blog date badges globally.
NEW: Options to change regular and sale price color.
NEW: Blog post layout type option row/masonry.
NEW: Text align to top for different elements.
NEW: Column background radius options.
NEW: Column border options.
NEW: Option to remove jQuery Migrate.
NEW: TikTok added to Follow Icons.
NEW: Lightbox 'show once' versioning.
NEW: Featured posts image size option.
NEW: Image lightbox caption option.
NEW: Logo element image size option.
NEW: Button element padding option.
NEW: Payment icons element for UX Builder.
NEW: 10+ new payment icons.
FIXED: Catalog filter button did not show on mobile category pages with custom shop content.
FIXED: Password meter loaded when generate password option is enabled.
FIXED: Single Page Nav as default template affected WC and blog pages.
FIXED: Header buttons outline/underline color setting.
FIXED: Header HTML 1 not displaying without saving.
FIXED: Product review tab activation on pagination.
FIXED: Single product page currency position in RTL.
FIXED: Various PHP 7.4 notices.
FIXED: Various CSS improvements.
FIXED: Various RTL improvements.
TWEAK: Improved scrollbars in customizer in FF.
TWEAK: Product variation results in search now depend on parent visibility.
DEV: Updated customizer option framework.
DEV: Updated Walkers.
--- 3.10.4 (07.02.20) ---
FIXED: Builder: Banner child elements hiding on some cases in preview.
FIXED: Redundant quote in team members link.
FIXED: Gap responsive height in frontend.
FIXED: Social login pop up redirect.
TWEAK: Increased newsletter auto pop timer setting maximum.
TWEAK: Corrected builder slider unit position.
--- 3.10.3 (24.01.20) ---
FIXED: Single product gallery image size.
--- 3.10.2 (23.01.20) ---
NEW: WooCommerce 3.9.0 compatibility.
FIXED: Custom color for rating stars did not apply to rating form stars.
FIXED: Demo content import step delay after importing forms.
FIXED: Slider dragging inside tabs and accordions.
FIXED: YITH Wishlist Mobile styling.
FIXED: Various CSS improvements.
NEW: YITH Wishlist 3.0 compatibility.
FIXED: Gap height when left on default value.
FIXED: Admin styling issues introduced by WP 5.3.
FIXED: Search result style option not visible.
FIXED: Builder: Product hover in section element.
FIXED: Swiping from upon a button on mobile devices.
FIXED: PHP warning on non existing blocks in WP 5.3.1.
FIXED: Checkout breadcrumb step custom secondary color.
FIXED: section_inner shortcode in frontend (section within a section).
FIXED: Better compatibility with WC Composites plugin (Quantity buttons).
FIXED: Prevented reset of WC thumbnail sizes on theme deactivation and reactivation.
TWEAK: Improved WPML configuration.
--- 3.10.0 (07.11.19) ---
NEW: WooCommerce 3.8.0 compatibility.
NEW: Terms and conditions lightbox accept button.
NEW: Option to set equal heights on product boxes.
NEW: Various new options for products boxes.
NEW: Gap element responsive height setting.
NEW: WP block image lightbox support.
NEW: Official WhatsApp icon.
NEW: Column admin label.
NEW: Twint payment icon.
NEW: Builder: Queue for sequencing page content AJAX requests.
NEW: Builder: Edit product layout button with translated blocks.
NEW: Builder: Enriched support for different language domains.
FIXED: Dark navigation/logo on dark header.
FIXED: Slider swiping on some Android devices.
FIXED: Slider swiping on some devices with iOS13.
FIXED: Builder: Rel option for same window links.
FIXED: Builder: Edit button in Gutenberg for editor role.
FIXED: Builder: Some items could not be moved inside hierarchy panel.
FIXED: Tabs: Masonry or grid element styled items overlapping inside tab.
FIXED: Accordion: Masonry or grid element styled items overlapping inside tab.
FIXED: Instagram: Some accounts could not be disconnected.
FIXED: Instagram: Incorrect image alignment in column with center/right align.
FIXED: Top bar stayed visible on desktop when it only had elements for mobile.
FIXED: Prevented from applying old setting value as default global page template.
FIXED: Accordion item in lightbox opened and closed immediately.
FIXED: Image alt attribute on sticky add to cart thumbnail.
FIXED: Payment icons shortcode link attribute.
FIXED: 'Call us' translation string.
DEV: Added missing flatsome_after_page hook on page-blank-title-center template.
DEV: Added support for wp_body_open hook.
NEW: Improved lazy loading.
NEW: Instagram Graph API connection.
NEW: Lazy Loading inline fallback image.
NEW: Cart/Checkout steps number (optional).
NEW: Page preloading. Preload pages right before a user clicks on it (optional).
NEW: Form style 'minimal' for product add to cart and cart quantity.
NEW: Separate lightbox gallery elements on same page (optional).
NEW: Hide sticky header when scrolling down (optional).
NEW: Google Fonts font-display loading type option.
NEW: Terms and conditions link option (tab, lightbox).
NEW: Builder: Option to change lightbox image size.
NEW: Option to show/hide category product count on shop page.
NEW: Option to change letter case for Cart/Checkout steps.
NEW: Option to change font size for Cart/Checkout steps.
NEW: Option to remove default WP Block library css.
NEW: Option to enable parallax on mobile devices.
NEW: Option to enable/disable page top excerpt.
NEW: Option to remove theme style.css.
NEW: Option to remove WP emoji script.
NEW: Added pagination on pages support.
NEW: Portfolio: Order by title.
NEW: Google Pay payment icon.
FIXED: Posts Layout option for blog archives with left and no sidebar layout.
FIXED: Builder: Accordion items glitch when a title is entered in preview.
FIXED: Builder: Products Custom element column and count setting.
FIXED: Builder: Incorrect video button size in preview.
FIXED: woocommerce_loop_add_to_cart_link filter missing $args.
FIXED: UX Blocks: Shop Manager role unable to go in edit mode.
FIXED: UX Blocks: Edit block from frontend on blog page.
FIXED: Element image radius in Safari on some styles.
FIXED: Menu dropdown toggle on overlay menu in RTL.
FIXED: Default page template selection option.
FIXED: Wishlist: Share on Facebook.
FIXED: Various CSS improvements.
TWEAK: Improved lightbox close button with SVG icon.
TWEAK: Improved accessibility on various elements.
TWEAK: Viewport is now scalable on mobile devices.
TWEAK: Removed Google+ functionality.
DEV: New flatsome_payment_icons filter.
DEV: New flatsome_viewport_meta filter.
DEV: New flatsome_lightbox_close_button filter.
DEV: New flatsome_lightbox_close_btn_inside filter.
Note: Performance related options can now be found under the Advanced → Performance tab.
Note: Minimum required WooCommerce version 3.3.0.
--- 3.8.4 (12.08.19) ---
NEW: WooCommerce 3.7 compatibility.
FIXED: Builder: Bottom of text editor not visible with lots of content (chrome).
FIXED: Builder: Improved element refreshing on option changes.
FIXED: Accordion and accordion-item custom class output.
FIXED: Instagram: Video thumbnails not squared.
FIXED: Infinite Scroll: Preventing non-archive products from loading in.
FIXED: Rating stars overlay issue when body font weight has changed.
FIXED: Negative space above address field in mobile view.
FIXED: Custom URL on attachment opened lightbox.
FIXED: Image: Link in caption breaks markup.
FIXED: Arrow on Continue Shopping button in RTL.
FIXED: Various translation strings.
FIXED: Various CSS improvements.
TWEAK: Improved YITH wishlist premium check condition.
--- 3.8.3 (18.04.19) ---
FIXED: Category element images went missing
--- 3.8.2 (17.04.19) ---
NEW: WooCommerce 3.6 compatibility.
NEW: Bubble resolved percentage is now cached for performance.
NEW: Custom product page edit link in admin bar.
FIXED: Shop page filter appearing on custom shop page (mobile).
FIXED: Unable to scroll in preview when builder sidebar is hidden.
FIXED: PHP Notice: Undefined index in product list element.
FIXED: PHP Notice: Undefined index in product tabs.
FIXED: Vertical divider on last column of menu.
FIXED: Corrupted PSD and font file assets.
TWEAK: Improved https permalink requests in builder.