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WordPress Version
  1. 6.X
  2. 5.x
Compatible With
  1. Slider Revolution
Number Domain Install
  1. Lifetime

Download CoolTek - Air Conditioning Services WordPress Theme + Themeforest 25053503​


Cooltek and deliver this specifically to yours Cooltek website template is an ideal pre-built website template for business specialise in Appliance Repair services, Air Conditioning Service & Repair, Appliance Installation & Hook-up, Appliances Service & Repair, Commercial & Industrial Appliance Sales & Repair, Commercial Air Conditioning, contractors, Commercial Air Conditioning Service & Repair, Furnace, Refrigeration Contractors, Water Heater, kitchen appliances, Washing Machines & Dryers Template includes helpful features that will help you a build new and redesign your business website. This theme is also perfect fit for air conditioning, air supply, carpentry, construction, handyman, heating, home, maintenance, plumbing, remodeling, renovation, repair, services, shop and store business.

This Theme comes with necessary features for your online presence like about us, team, 404 page, pricing, filterable gallery pages, multiple blog layouts, online shop, testimonial and FAQ page etc. Cooltec can be a great choice for your online presence.
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