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Download Bacola - Grocery Store and Food eCommerce Theme 1.3.4 NULL + Themeforest 32552148​

-- Updated: WooCommerce.
-- Updated: Bacola Core plugin.

-- Updated: WooCommerce outdated files.
-- Updated: Bacola Core plugin.

-- Updated: Bacola Core plugin.
-- Updated: WooCommerce.

-- Updated: WooCommerce outdated files.

-- Added: SKU Search option.
-- Updated: Bacola Core plugin.
-- Updated: WooCommerce 7.7.2.

-- Updated: Ajax Search Form.
-- Updated: Bacola Core plugin.
-- Updated: WooCommerce 7.5.1.

-- Updated: Bacola Core plugin.
-- Updated: WooCommerce 7.5.1.

-- Added: Mega Menu with Elementor Template.
-- Added: Icon picker for the menu.
-- Updated: Bacola Core plugin.
-- Updated: WooCommerce outdated files.

-- Added: Advanced Badge Settings.
-- Updated: Ajax search form.
-- Updated: Deprecated functions.
-- Updated: Bacola Core plugin.

Download Bacola - Grocery Store and Food eCommerce Theme + Themeforest 32552148 Nulled

-- Updated: Bacola Core plugin.
-- Updated: WooCommerce.
-- Added: Tag Filter for Elementor widgets.
-- Updated: Bacola Core plugin.
-- Updated: WooCommerce
-- Fixed: Query_Posts.
-- Fixed: jQuery notice.

Download Bacola - Grocery Store and Food eCommerce Theme NULLED + Themeforest 32552148

-- Updated: Bacola Core plugin.
-- Updated: WooCommerce
-- Updated: The language file.

-- Added: Side Cart.
-- Added: Buy Now button for product detail.
-- Added: Single Product Stock Progress Bar.
-- Added: Single Product Time Countdown.
-- Added: Min Order Amount.
-- Added: New Fields for the Registration Form.
-- Added: Move Review Tab option.
-- Added: Catalog Mode.
-- Added: WC Marketplace Vendor Grid Widget.
-- Updated: Thank You Page.
-- Updated: Orders Page.
-- Updated: Product Categories Widget.
-- Updated: Bacola Core plugin.
-- Updated: WooCommerce.

-- Added: Order on WhatsApp.
-- Added: Category Desc After Products.
-- Updated: WooCommerce plugin.
-- Updated: Bacola Core plugin.
-- Updated: Envato Market plugin.

-- Added: Product 360 View.
-- Added: Product Detail Image Column Option.
-- Added: Product Detail Wide Option.
-- Added: Elementor Templates for Header.
-- Added: Elementor Templates for Footer.
-- Added: Elementor Templates for Shop.
-- Added: Elementor Templates for Categories.
-- Added: Include Option for Category Widget on Elementor.
-- Added: Slide Speed Option.
-- Updated: WooCommerce plugin.
-- Updated: Bacola Core plugin.
-- Updated: Footer Column Option.
-- Updated: Categories on Shop Page.