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Download Aero - Bootstrap Admin Template with Laravel & Angular version latest version

Download Aero - Bootstrap Admin Template with Laravel & Angular version latest version.webp

  • Aero, a next generation modern and clean Bootstrap 4x dashboard and admin template using flat, modern and minimal design. It is fully responsive built using SASS preprocessor, HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery plugins.
  • It can be used for most type of dashboard and app templates like Analytics, CRM, Backend Websites, CMS, build Blog, Business website and time line as well as desktop or mobile applications. Amazing flexibility and reusability
  • Bootstrap 4x
    The ever-popular front-end framework has had a complete makeover
  • Build with SCSS
    Simplify uses SASS to make your life editing the styles easier. Simply jump into the well documented sass Code and start customizing.
  • W3C Code Validate
    All the W3C standard is maintained while creating code of template. SEO, page speed and crawling can be managed well by maintaining Web standard.
First release
Last update
4.70 star(s) 3 ratings

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